Upcoming Events!

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*Weekly General Meetings start today (Tuesday) at 6pm. Rock it!

*There will be a Promotions Meeting at the station on Wednesday starting at 6:15pm. All are invited to attend.

*Free Pizza Party with Grand Buffet!
Come to the station at 3pm on Saturday to eat Pizza and Drink Soda with the guys of Grand Buffet on Fighting Records. Also
stick around for a preformance. Check Grand Buffet’s site www.grandbuffet.com and their label’s site www.fightingrecords.com for more information on the band.

*WMUC will be at Terp Zone this Saturday Night, the 25th, from 9pm-1am. This is our grand return to Terp Zone following a succesful last semester, so everyone should come! Rohan and Anna will be DJing and will have giveaways. Come hang out, dance, bowl or play pool and support your fellow DJs.

*WMUC will also be live at the College Perk on Wednesday, 3/1, from 9pm-Midnight. The Harvman will be doing a solo set, and we’ll also have giveaways courtesy of WMUC and the Perk. These nights have been a lot of fun and are a great way to get your volunteer hours down. For information on how to get to the perk, visit www.collegeperk.org

*On Saturday, March 4th
WMUC Presents:
Harry and the Potters (www.myspace.com/harryandthepotters)
Uncle Monster Face (www.unclemonsterface.com)
The Tasty Habits (www.thetastyhabits.com)

At the Nyumburu Cultural Center, next to the Stamp Student
Union. All ages, $5, 7 pm SHARP

*On Friday, 3/17 there will be a tribute to D. Ellis at the Black Cat featuring WMUC DJs past and present starting at 9:30 pm. Come to pay your respects and celebrate the life of one of our most respected DJs.

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