Show Profiles

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Wall of Sound

Scheduled Time: sun 2200 – 2400 on channel 2
DJs: Alex Fein, Patrick Swartz
Description: sensual beans of musical fruit and gorgeous harmonies by pat n alex
Genre: funky winkerbean

Archived Playlists

Show Date Entered By Last Modified
02/01/09 Patrick Swartz 02/11/09 19:29:29
02/08/09 Patrick Swartz 02/11/09 19:35:55
02/15/09 Patrick Swartz 02/15/09 23:58:36
02/22/09 Alex Fein 02/22/09 23:51:10
03/01/09 Patrick Swartz 03/01/09 23:57:45
03/08/09 Patrick Swartz 03/08/09 23:54:13
03/22/09 Patrick Swartz 03/22/09 23:37:44
03/29/09 Patrick Swartz 03/29/09 23:56:25
04/05/09 Alex Fein 04/05/09 23:49:47
04/19/09 Patrick Swartz 04/19/09 23:53:35
04/26/09 Patrick Swartz 04/26/09 23:58:37
05/03/09 Anna Haraseyko 05/04/09 00:15:26
05/10/09 Alex Fein 05/10/09 23:57:36
05/17/09 Shovel Shovelist 05/19/09 13:45:05

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