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animosity in the morning

Scheduled Time: sun 600 – 800 on channel 1
DJs: Colleen and Meg
Description: sisters and music
Genre: rock n’ roll, blues, indie, dance, garage, stuff you love

About: awkward sisters who may bicker and unnecessarily allude to “arrested development” and “home movies” but who play some damn fine rock n’ roll.
Guests: whoever wants to show up at 6 am on sunday mornings

Archived Playlists

Show Date Entered By Last Modified
02/18/07 Colleen and Meg 02/18/07 08:02:10
02/25/07 Colleen and Meg 02/25/07 08:01:21
03/04/07 Colleen and Meg 03/04/07 08:09:52
03/11/07 Colleen and Meg 03/11/07 08:24:55
03/18/07 Nick Candela 03/18/07 08:08:48
03/25/07 Colleen and Meg 03/25/07 08:06:43
04/01/07 Colleen and Meg 04/01/07 07:58:24
04/22/07 Colleen and Meg 04/22/07 08:15:29
04/29/07 Colleen and Meg 04/29/07 08:00:12
05/06/07 Colleen and Meg 05/06/07 08:18:42

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