
Displaying archived playlist for This, Which Makes Me Sing on 2012-02-08 20:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 slow club gold mountain paradise
2 francois and the atlas mountains gold mountain (slow club cover)
3 james yorkston moving up country, roaring the gospel roaring the gospel
4 avi buffalo one last avi buffalo
5 portico quartet steepless (illusion remix)
6 the ndabva kure band ndabva kure the present (soundtrack)
7 memotone extended lazyjams
8 leafcutter john say it
9 shigeto huron river driver lineage ep
10 julia holter in the same room ekstasis
11 jon hopkins the low places (geese remix) seven gulps of air
12 james yorkston woozy with cider (jon hopkins remix)
13 yann tiersen momuments skyline

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