
Display playlists from semester 20, newest first.

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Show Date Show Name Entered By Last Modified
05/29/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 05/24/06 21:02:14
05/25/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 05/24/06 19:54:05
05/25/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 05/23/06 12:52:57
05/25/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 05/21/06 23:57:30
05/25/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 05/25/06 00:14:37
05/24/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 05/24/06 18:01:05
05/23/06 Mr. Popular LES 05/24/06 01:37:05
05/22/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 05/15/06 03:56:46
05/21/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 05/21/06 17:54:00
05/21/06 Third Rail Radio Lilly B. 05/21/06 20:34:09
05/21/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 05/14/06 11:16:21
05/20/06 Electric Candle Dominick 05/21/06 00:53:57
05/20/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 05/20/06 23:59:54
05/19/06 Innovation In Instrumentation Nick Burka 05/19/06 17:21:07
05/19/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 05/19/06 14:12:45
05/19/06 The Two-Headed Monster Danielle Leikach 05/19/06 12:07:49
05/19/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 05/19/06 08:18:16
05/18/06 We Eat Cars Jeremy Spekman 05/18/06 22:13:31
05/18/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 05/18/06 18:23:17
05/18/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 05/18/06 18:02:53
05/18/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 05/18/06 16:07:39
05/18/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 05/18/06 13:46:25
05/18/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 05/18/06 11:58:23
05/18/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 05/18/06 09:57:16
05/18/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 05/18/06 08:00:17
05/18/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 05/18/06 03:59:26
05/17/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 05/17/06 19:21:03
05/17/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 05/17/06 18:08:14
05/17/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 05/17/06 15:55:21
05/16/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 05/16/06 21:42:09
05/16/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 05/16/06 20:06:27
05/16/06 Mr. Popular LES 05/16/06 17:57:27
05/16/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 05/16/06 14:00:03
05/16/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 05/16/06 01:52:24
05/15/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 05/15/06 23:56:24
05/15/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 05/15/06 22:02:26
05/15/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 05/15/06 19:36:59
05/15/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 05/15/06 17:16:05
05/15/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 05/15/06 15:58:16
05/15/06 The League: Radio Edit Colm Atkins 05/15/06 13:37:47
05/15/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 05/15/06 10:31:01
05/15/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 05/08/06 03:14:01
05/14/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 05/15/06 00:43:41
05/14/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 05/14/06 17:35:06
05/14/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 05/14/06 14:00:20
05/14/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 05/07/06 13:03:55
05/14/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 05/14/06 07:55:18
05/13/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 05/13/06 23:59:28
05/13/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 05/13/06 21:18:07
05/13/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 05/13/06 20:02:49
05/13/06 Electric Candle Dominick 05/13/06 18:02:16
05/13/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 05/13/06 15:12:47
05/13/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 05/13/06 10:01:19
05/13/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 05/13/06 01:55:18
05/12/06 Innovation In Instrumentation Mandy Fraser 05/12/06 16:00:21
05/12/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 05/12/06 13:58:38
05/12/06 The Two-Headed Monster Danielle Leikach 05/12/06 12:01:42
05/12/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 05/12/06 09:53:21
05/12/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 05/12/06 02:24:45
05/12/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 05/12/06 03:59:35
05/11/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 05/11/06 23:51:51
05/11/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 05/11/06 17:58:16
05/11/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 05/11/06 16:06:22
05/11/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 05/11/06 13:55:03
05/11/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 05/11/06 11:40:47
05/11/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 05/11/06 10:03:48
05/11/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 05/11/06 08:00:45
05/11/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 05/11/06 04:08:49
05/10/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 05/10/06 23:46:04
05/10/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 05/10/06 17:57:01
05/10/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 05/10/06 15:54:54
05/10/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 05/10/06 13:58:10
05/10/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 05/10/06 11:29:27
05/10/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 05/10/06 01:47:23
05/09/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 05/09/06 21:43:15
05/09/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 05/09/06 20:07:10
05/09/06 Mr. Popular LES 05/09/06 17:54:05
05/09/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 05/09/06 14:28:51
05/09/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 05/09/06 12:20:44
05/09/06 Too Hard for Tears Andrew Graber 05/09/06 08:15:05
05/09/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 05/09/06 00:42:17
05/08/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 05/09/06 00:10:36
05/08/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Christian Melendez 05/08/06 21:18:28
05/08/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 05/08/06 19:53:10
05/08/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 05/08/06 18:00:07
05/08/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 05/08/06 15:54:32
05/08/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 05/08/06 14:55:28
05/08/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 05/08/06 10:38:44
05/08/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 05/08/06 07:43:02
05/08/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 05/08/06 02:42:18
05/08/06 Late-Nite Lava! Matt Stern 05/08/06 01:56:16
05/07/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 05/07/06 23:52:18
05/07/06 The Sound of Young America! Doug Ticker 05/07/06 18:08:13
05/07/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 04/30/06 12:01:54
05/06/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 05/06/06 23:46:34
05/06/06 Electric Candle Dominick 05/06/06 19:59:37
05/06/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 05/06/06 12:34:25
05/06/06 Guilty Pleasures Mandy Fraser 05/08/06 01:09:50
05/06/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 05/06/06 03:55:22
05/06/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 05/06/06 02:00:49
05/05/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 05/05/06 20:49:50
05/05/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 05/05/06 14:00:46
05/05/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 05/05/06 12:03:22
05/05/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 05/05/06 09:58:14
05/05/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 05/05/06 03:53:55
05/04/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 05/04/06 22:09:54
05/04/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 05/04/06 17:58:48
05/04/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 05/04/06 16:00:28
05/04/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 05/04/06 13:49:16
05/04/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 05/04/06 11:46:28
05/04/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 04/27/06 22:07:18
05/04/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 05/04/06 04:00:58
05/03/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 05/03/06 22:25:49
05/03/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 05/03/06 17:59:58
05/03/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 05/03/06 15:52:40
05/03/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 05/03/06 13:56:11
05/03/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 05/03/06 11:58:17
05/03/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 05/03/06 09:54:57
05/03/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 04/26/06 01:55:03
05/02/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 05/02/06 23:09:01
05/02/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 05/02/06 21:41:19
05/02/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 05/02/06 20:01:18
05/02/06 Mr. Popular LES 05/02/06 17:56:36
05/02/06 Transience Phil Anderson 05/02/06 15:36:02
05/02/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 05/02/06 13:58:41
05/02/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 05/02/06 11:57:02
05/02/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 05/02/06 07:58:54
05/02/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 05/02/06 06:30:03
05/01/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 05/02/06 00:10:10
05/01/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 05/01/06 21:55:26
05/01/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 05/01/06 19:51:59
05/01/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 05/01/06 17:57:37
05/01/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 05/01/06 15:57:20
05/01/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 05/01/06 14:57:18
05/01/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 05/01/06 12:54:37
05/01/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 05/01/06 10:00:54
05/01/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 05/01/06 07:16:20
05/01/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 05/01/06 03:56:01
04/30/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 04/30/06 23:50:24
04/30/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 04/30/06 20:36:24
04/30/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 04/30/06 17:59:00
04/30/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 04/30/06 16:00:28
04/30/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 04/30/06 13:59:42
04/30/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 04/23/06 12:11:49
04/29/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 04/29/06 23:57:46
04/29/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 04/29/06 20:04:51
04/29/06 Electric Candle Dominick 04/29/06 18:00:05
04/29/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 04/29/06 10:00:11
04/29/06 Guilty Pleasures Mandy Fraser 04/29/06 05:58:03
04/29/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 04/29/06 02:04:47
04/28/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 04/28/06 04:00:37
04/27/06 We Eat Cars Jeremy Spekman 04/27/06 22:01:14
04/27/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 05/18/06 13:57:43
04/27/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 04/20/06 11:47:59
04/27/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 04/27/06 10:06:55
04/27/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 04/27/06 02:30:04
04/26/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 04/27/06 00:02:14
04/26/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 04/27/06 00:03:23
04/26/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 04/26/06 16:46:43
04/26/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 04/26/06 15:45:22
04/26/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 04/26/06 13:54:38
04/25/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 04/25/06 23:51:04
04/25/06 Thug Motivation 101 maya livio 04/25/06 22:07:34
04/25/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 04/25/06 20:05:24
04/25/06 Mr. Popular LES 04/25/06 17:55:29
04/25/06 Transience Phil Anderson 04/25/06 15:49:44
04/25/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 04/25/06 13:58:59
04/25/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/25/06 23:45:07
04/25/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 04/25/06 07:52:52
04/25/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 04/25/06 01:59:37
04/24/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 04/24/06 23:59:01
04/24/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 04/24/06 22:00:26
04/24/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 04/24/06 20:00:37
04/24/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 04/24/06 17:56:57
04/24/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 04/24/06 15:52:38
04/24/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 04/24/06 14:55:23
04/24/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 04/24/06 11:34:27
04/24/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 04/24/06 09:58:58
04/24/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 04/24/06 07:54:22
04/24/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 04/24/06 04:00:03
04/23/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 04/24/06 10:47:49
04/23/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 04/23/06 17:56:40
04/23/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 04/23/06 16:00:50
04/23/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 04/23/06 13:35:55
04/23/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 04/23/06 07:59:27
04/23/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 04/23/06 04:00:20
04/22/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 04/22/06 23:52:45
04/22/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 04/22/06 21:39:07
04/22/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 04/22/06 20:05:39
04/22/06 Electric Candle Dominick 04/22/06 18:08:44
04/22/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 04/22/06 15:22:16
04/22/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 04/22/06 10:03:17
04/22/06 Guilty Pleasures Mandy Fraser 04/22/06 06:03:39
04/22/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 04/22/06 03:58:16
04/22/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 04/22/06 13:46:42
04/21/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 04/21/06 21:40:05
04/21/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 04/21/06 20:56:32
04/21/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 04/21/06 13:57:41
04/21/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 04/21/06 12:01:27
04/21/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 04/21/06 09:59:13
04/21/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 04/21/06 03:57:40
04/20/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 04/20/06 23:42:54
04/20/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 04/20/06 21:56:15
04/20/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 04/20/06 19:51:06
04/20/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 04/20/06 18:03:42
04/20/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 04/20/06 15:57:30
04/20/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 04/20/06 13:55:28
04/20/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 04/20/06 10:24:10
04/20/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 04/20/06 17:44:24
04/20/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 04/20/06 08:03:33
04/20/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 04/20/06 04:06:41
04/20/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 04/20/06 01:57:10
04/19/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio Megan Lahman 04/20/06 00:36:44
04/19/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 04/19/06 22:01:25
04/19/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 04/19/06 18:03:12
04/19/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 04/19/06 15:47:00
04/19/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 04/19/06 13:57:13
04/19/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 04/19/06 11:48:49
04/19/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 04/19/06 09:55:42
04/18/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 04/18/06 23:38:03
04/18/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 04/18/06 21:43:41
04/18/06 Mr. Popular LES 04/18/06 18:06:45
04/18/06 Transience Phil Anderson 04/18/06 15:52:59
04/18/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 04/18/06 15:01:07
04/18/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/18/06 12:04:36
04/18/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 04/18/06 08:07:45
04/18/06 The Kick Bryan Massoff 04/18/06 03:56:51
04/18/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 04/18/06 01:53:56
04/17/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 04/18/06 00:01:24
04/17/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 04/17/06 21:58:01
04/17/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 04/17/06 19:55:35
04/17/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 04/17/06 17:49:59
04/17/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 04/17/06 16:05:15
04/17/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 04/17/06 15:07:07
04/17/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 04/17/06 12:51:28
04/17/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 04/17/06 10:19:45
04/17/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 04/17/06 07:47:39
04/17/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 04/17/06 04:11:35
04/16/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 04/16/06 23:55:11
04/16/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 04/16/06 18:04:29
04/16/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 04/16/06 16:21:02
04/16/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 04/16/06 13:56:01
04/15/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 04/15/06 23:46:25
04/15/06 Electric Candle Dominick 04/15/06 18:06:05
04/15/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 04/15/06 15:10:09
04/15/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 04/15/06 10:01:07
04/15/06 Guilty Pleasures Mandy Fraser 04/15/06 04:41:16
04/15/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 04/15/06 02:10:14
04/14/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 04/14/06 14:15:45
04/14/06 The Two-Headed Monster Danielle Leikach 04/14/06 12:01:48
04/14/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 04/14/06 08:39:18
04/13/06 The Adding Machine Pete Smith 04/13/06 23:54:47
04/13/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 04/13/06 21:55:12
04/13/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 04/13/06 19:56:35
04/13/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 04/13/06 16:11:03
04/13/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 04/13/06 17:56:37
04/13/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 04/13/06 16:00:01
04/13/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 04/13/06 13:59:25
04/13/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 04/13/06 11:48:32
04/13/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 04/14/06 23:02:24
04/13/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 04/13/06 07:57:04
04/13/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 04/13/06 04:00:49
04/13/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 04/13/06 01:58:21
04/12/06 Indiescribable Christian Melendez 04/12/06 21:55:53
04/12/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 04/12/06 22:37:29
04/12/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 04/12/06 18:01:08
04/12/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 04/12/06 15:50:22
04/12/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 04/12/06 13:53:55
04/12/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 04/12/06 10:02:49
04/12/06 The Mojo dojo Josh Lustig 04/12/06 03:53:34
04/12/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 04/12/06 01:58:55
04/11/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 04/11/06 23:48:02
04/11/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 04/11/06 20:47:47
04/11/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 04/11/06 20:00:44
04/11/06 Mr. Popular LES 04/11/06 17:55:16
04/11/06 Transience Phil Anderson 04/11/06 15:59:02
04/11/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 04/11/06 14:02:57
04/11/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/11/06 11:58:07
04/11/06 Too Hard for Tears Andrew Graber 04/11/06 08:00:01
04/11/06 The Kick Bryan Massoff 04/11/06 03:56:45
04/10/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 04/17/06 21:16:42
04/10/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Christina Kim 04/10/06 21:54:26
04/10/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 04/10/06 20:08:22
04/10/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 04/10/06 17:55:39
04/10/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 04/10/06 15:56:35
04/10/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 04/10/06 14:58:27
04/10/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 04/10/06 12:30:37
04/10/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 04/10/06 10:24:28
04/10/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 04/10/06 09:56:38
04/10/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 04/17/06 07:49:18
04/10/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 04/10/06 03:58:16
04/10/06 Late-Nite Lava! Patrick McLaughlin 04/10/06 02:07:35
04/09/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 04/09/06 23:57:52
04/09/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 04/09/06 18:09:06
04/09/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 04/09/06 15:56:52
04/09/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 04/09/06 12:37:45
04/09/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 04/09/06 11:43:58
04/09/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 04/09/06 08:00:18
04/09/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 04/09/06 15:44:16
04/08/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 04/08/06 23:53:58
04/08/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 04/08/06 21:54:34
04/08/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 04/08/06 19:59:53
04/08/06 Electric Candle Dominick 04/08/06 17:43:50
04/08/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 04/08/06 15:16:31
04/08/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 04/08/06 09:59:57
04/08/06 The Gnarfest Mandy Fraser 04/08/06 03:54:00
04/08/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 04/08/06 02:07:17
04/07/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 04/07/06 22:07:40
04/07/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 04/07/06 15:52:37
04/07/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 04/07/06 13:52:21
04/07/06 The Two-Headed Monster Danielle Leikach 04/07/06 12:06:30
04/07/06 Roots & Wings Nick Burka 04/07/06 09:57:58
04/07/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 04/07/06 03:52:22
04/07/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 04/07/06 01:55:49
04/06/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 04/07/06 00:02:51
04/06/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 04/06/06 20:14:31
04/06/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 04/06/06 18:08:18
04/06/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 04/06/06 16:02:05
04/06/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 04/06/06 14:02:51
04/06/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 04/06/06 11:43:02
04/06/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Mandy Fraser 04/06/06 09:53:24
04/06/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 04/06/06 08:00:03
04/06/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 04/06/06 03:52:11
04/06/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 04/06/06 01:57:27
04/05/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 04/05/06 22:57:15
04/05/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 04/05/06 22:03:16
04/05/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 04/05/06 18:23:28
04/05/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 04/25/06 11:57:53
04/05/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 04/05/06 13:56:22
04/05/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 04/05/06 11:53:24
04/05/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 04/05/06 09:54:40
04/05/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 04/05/06 01:50:13
04/04/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 04/04/06 23:33:01
04/04/06 Thug Motivation 101 Jeremy Spekman 04/04/06 22:00:31
04/04/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 04/04/06 19:59:22
04/04/06 Mr. Popular LES 04/04/06 17:54:04
04/04/06 Transience Phil Anderson 04/04/06 15:52:32
04/04/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 04/04/06 14:04:01
04/04/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/04/06 11:57:58
04/04/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 04/04/06 01:54:50
04/03/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 04/03/06 22:23:58
04/03/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 04/03/06 19:59:37
04/03/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 04/03/06 17:54:35
04/03/06 Hardly Art, Hardly Starving Jackie 04/03/06 15:51:20
04/03/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Farhan Syed 04/03/06 16:12:59
04/03/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 04/03/06 12:15:46
04/03/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 04/03/06 11:41:08
04/03/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 04/03/06 09:58:08
04/03/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 04/03/06 07:51:12
04/03/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 04/03/06 04:03:18
04/02/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 04/03/06 01:08:04
04/02/06 Third Rail Radio Lilly B. 04/02/06 20:50:54
04/02/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 04/02/06 18:03:19
04/02/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 04/02/06 14:12:41
04/02/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 04/02/06 11:57:36
04/02/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 04/02/06 10:04:10
04/02/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 04/02/06 04:38:51
04/01/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 04/01/06 23:59:34
04/01/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 04/01/06 22:00:09
04/01/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 04/01/06 20:01:26
04/01/06 Electric Candle Dominick 04/01/06 18:01:40
04/01/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 04/01/06 15:10:13
04/01/06 The ReCollection Mandy Fraser 04/01/06 08:49:10
04/01/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 04/01/06 03:56:42
04/01/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 04/01/06 02:03:29
03/31/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 03/31/06 21:40:59
03/31/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 03/31/06 21:08:24
03/31/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 03/31/06 15:56:16
03/31/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 03/31/06 13:58:56
03/31/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 03/31/06 12:04:00
03/31/06 Roots & Wings Adam Z Winer 03/31/06 10:19:49
03/31/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 03/31/06 03:56:03
03/31/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 03/31/06 01:57:49
03/30/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 03/30/06 23:53:25
03/30/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 03/30/06 22:27:06
03/30/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 03/30/06 19:45:34
03/30/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 03/30/06 18:04:38
03/30/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 03/30/06 15:59:34
03/30/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 03/30/06 11:29:49
03/30/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 04/04/06 11:43:26
03/30/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 03/30/06 03:58:41
03/30/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 03/30/06 01:56:04
03/29/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 03/30/06 00:39:25
03/29/06 Indiescribable Patchen Mortimer 03/29/06 21:57:43
03/29/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 03/29/06 18:12:45
03/29/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 03/30/06 00:05:21
03/29/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 03/29/06 13:54:27
03/29/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 03/29/06 09:57:25
03/29/06 THE WOAH SHOW Mandy Fraser 03/29/06 07:35:00
03/29/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 03/29/06 02:00:39
03/28/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 03/29/06 00:01:35
03/28/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 03/28/06 20:03:15
03/28/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 03/28/06 19:58:19
03/28/06 Mr. Popular Colm Atkins 03/28/06 16:15:57
03/28/06 Transience Phil Anderson 03/28/06 15:44:49
03/28/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 03/28/06 12:47:49
03/28/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 03/28/06 13:36:02
03/28/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 03/28/06 08:04:46
03/28/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 03/28/06 01:50:14
03/27/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 03/28/06 00:03:33
03/27/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 03/27/06 21:58:44
03/27/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 03/27/06 19:55:48
03/27/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 03/27/06 17:50:39
03/27/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Jackie 03/27/06 15:35:25
03/27/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 03/27/06 11:44:21
03/27/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 03/27/06 10:02:24
03/27/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 03/27/06 07:48:21
03/26/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 03/27/06 00:03:31
03/26/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 03/26/06 19:01:42
03/26/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 03/26/06 15:55:58
03/26/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 03/26/06 13:55:00
03/26/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 03/26/06 12:00:48
03/25/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 03/25/06 23:56:23
03/25/06 Electric Candle Dominick 03/25/06 20:39:51
03/25/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 03/25/06 15:14:53
03/25/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 03/25/06 02:05:18
03/24/06 Something Else Colm Atkins 04/03/06 08:22:38
03/24/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 03/24/06 09:52:49
03/24/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 03/24/06 02:01:26
03/23/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 03/23/06 22:23:14
03/23/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 03/23/06 21:57:14
03/23/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 03/23/06 18:54:07
03/23/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 03/23/06 17:58:23
03/23/06 PhD Procrastination Nick Burka 03/23/06 14:56:20
03/23/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 03/23/06 02:40:46
03/22/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 03/22/06 23:41:22
03/22/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 03/22/06 18:30:31
03/22/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 03/22/06 17:57:52
03/22/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 03/22/06 11:01:26
03/22/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 03/15/06 00:04:52
03/21/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 03/21/06 19:57:47
03/21/06 Mr. Popular LES 03/21/06 17:54:20
03/21/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 03/21/06 13:58:50
03/21/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 03/21/06 08:03:22
03/20/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 03/20/06 22:10:30
03/20/06 Flex Yr Head Colm Atkins 03/23/06 20:53:04
03/20/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 03/20/06 20:02:48
03/20/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Jackie 03/13/06 15:57:35
03/20/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 03/20/06 12:54:06
03/20/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 03/20/06 10:45:53
03/20/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 03/20/06 09:59:19
03/20/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 03/20/06 07:56:21
03/19/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 03/19/06 23:27:09
03/19/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 03/19/06 20:13:14
03/19/06 The Sound of Young America! Doug Ticker 03/19/06 18:05:10
03/19/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 03/19/06 13:58:20
03/19/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 03/12/06 11:59:00
03/18/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 03/19/06 00:10:12
03/18/06 Electric Candle Dominick 03/18/06 21:30:44
03/18/06 Dave's Record Collection Mandy Fraser 03/18/06 15:00:41
03/18/06 The Getup Noel Isama 03/11/06 06:53:32
03/18/06 The Gnarfest Mandy Fraser 03/18/06 03:58:47
03/18/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 03/18/06 02:00:54
03/17/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 03/17/06 21:01:36
03/17/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 03/17/06 15:53:10
03/17/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 03/17/06 13:59:05
03/17/06 The Two-Headed Monster Nick Burka 03/17/06 11:58:14
03/17/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 03/17/06 09:52:16
03/17/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 03/17/06 04:00:51
03/17/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 03/17/06 01:57:58
03/16/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 03/16/06 23:58:46
03/16/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 03/16/06 22:16:04
03/16/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 03/16/06 18:02:35
03/16/06 PhD Procrastination Nick Burka 03/16/06 14:09:01
03/16/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 03/16/06 12:00:27
03/16/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 03/16/06 11:00:36
03/16/06 Equilibrium Mandy Fraser 03/16/06 15:22:42
03/16/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 03/16/06 04:00:09
03/16/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 03/16/06 01:58:10
03/15/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 03/15/06 21:57:23
03/15/06 The Lonestar State Jeremy Spekman 03/15/06 19:57:27
03/15/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 03/15/06 17:57:17
03/15/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 03/15/06 15:51:24
03/15/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 03/15/06 13:56:18
03/15/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 03/15/06 11:57:51
03/15/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 03/15/06 09:59:11
03/15/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 03/08/06 09:59:08
03/14/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 03/14/06 23:58:03
03/14/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 03/14/06 22:03:10
03/14/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 03/14/06 20:03:34
03/14/06 Mr. Popular LES 03/14/06 17:54:59
03/14/06 Transience Phil Anderson 03/14/06 15:47:42
03/14/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 03/14/06 13:50:53
03/14/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/18/06 00:47:41
03/14/06 Too Hard for Tears Andrew Graber 03/14/06 09:43:26
03/14/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 03/14/06 01:55:14
03/13/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 03/13/06 23:59:34
03/13/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 03/13/06 22:01:58
03/13/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 03/13/06 19:57:42
03/13/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 03/13/06 18:00:06
03/13/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 03/13/06 13:09:22
03/13/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 03/13/06 12:05:09
03/13/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 03/06/06 11:41:06
03/13/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 03/13/06 10:35:20
03/13/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 03/13/06 07:18:56
03/13/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 03/13/06 03:58:42
03/13/06 Late-Nite Lava! Nick Burka 03/13/06 01:55:55
03/12/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 03/13/06 16:34:07
03/12/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 03/12/06 20:54:25
03/12/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 03/12/06 18:01:46
03/12/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 03/12/06 15:55:02
03/12/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 03/12/06 14:02:07
03/12/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 03/05/06 14:04:23
03/12/06 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 03/12/06 07:24:38
03/12/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 03/12/06 03:57:42
03/11/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 03/11/06 23:58:05
03/11/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 03/11/06 21:59:20
03/11/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 03/11/06 20:05:55
03/11/06 Electric Candle Dominick 03/11/06 18:00:00
03/11/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 03/11/06 15:12:13
03/11/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 03/11/06 10:02:05
03/11/06 The Getup Noel Isama 03/04/06 07:26:30
03/11/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 03/11/06 04:03:59
03/11/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 03/11/06 01:48:13
03/10/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 03/17/06 21:56:45
03/10/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 03/17/06 23:59:24
03/10/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 03/10/06 20:57:22
03/10/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 03/10/06 14:46:55
03/10/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 03/10/06 13:55:23
03/10/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 03/03/06 12:04:09
03/10/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 03/10/06 09:51:47
03/10/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 03/10/06 04:01:16
03/10/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 03/10/06 01:56:27
03/09/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 03/09/06 23:50:50
03/09/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 03/09/06 21:55:26
03/09/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 03/09/06 20:02:03
03/09/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 03/09/06 17:53:00
03/09/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 03/09/06 16:13:41
03/09/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 03/09/06 13:55:53
03/09/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 03/09/06 11:26:10
03/09/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 03/09/06 12:09:20
03/09/06 Equilibrium Mandy Fraser 03/09/06 07:51:55
03/09/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 03/09/06 04:09:32
03/09/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 03/09/06 01:57:40
03/08/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 03/09/06 00:11:09
03/08/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 03/08/06 21:53:32
03/08/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 03/08/06 19:46:44
03/08/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 03/01/06 20:07:06
03/08/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 03/08/06 15:55:19
03/08/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 03/08/06 13:57:09
03/08/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 03/08/06 11:58:16
03/08/06 THE WOAH SHOW Evan Waugh 03/07/06 15:56:21
03/08/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 03/08/06 01:56:10
03/07/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 03/08/06 00:00:36
03/07/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 03/07/06 21:51:47
03/07/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 03/07/06 20:01:34
03/07/06 Mr. Popular LES 03/07/06 17:56:24
03/07/06 Transience Phil Anderson 03/07/06 15:55:02
03/07/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 03/07/06 14:10:13
03/07/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 03/07/06 08:00:22
03/07/06 The Kick Bryan Massoff 03/07/06 05:07:05
03/07/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 03/07/06 02:07:44
03/06/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 03/07/06 00:07:42
03/06/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 03/06/06 22:02:40
03/06/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 03/06/06 17:45:32
03/06/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 03/06/06 15:55:32
03/06/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 02/27/06 11:14:07
03/06/06 Late-Nite Lava! Matt Stern 03/06/06 01:01:21
03/05/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 03/06/06 00:00:58
03/05/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 03/05/06 21:05:15
03/05/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 03/01/06 23:58:43
03/05/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 03/05/06 15:57:26
03/05/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 03/05/06 12:02:20
03/05/06 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 03/05/06 09:15:39
03/05/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 03/05/06 05:56:03
03/04/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 03/05/06 00:08:40
03/04/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 02/25/06 21:29:04
03/04/06 A Delightful Evening with Noreen and Arshan Noreen and Arshan 03/04/06 20:01:55
03/04/06 Electric Candle Dominick 03/05/06 13:34:56
03/04/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 03/04/06 16:04:24
03/04/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 03/04/06 10:03:39
03/04/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 03/04/06 03:56:53
03/04/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 03/04/06 01:56:55
03/03/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 03/03/06 22:21:01
03/03/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 03/03/06 15:54:09
03/03/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 03/03/06 13:57:00
03/03/06 The Two-Headed Monster Danielle Leikach 02/24/06 12:09:08
03/03/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 03/03/06 09:41:23
03/03/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 03/03/06 03:55:04
03/03/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 03/03/06 02:12:34
03/02/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 03/02/06 23:59:34
03/02/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 03/02/06 21:56:34
03/02/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 03/02/06 21:12:34
03/02/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 03/02/06 17:59:10
03/02/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 03/02/06 15:56:24
03/02/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 03/02/06 13:57:33
03/02/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 03/02/06 12:03:41
03/02/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 03/02/06 15:42:01
03/02/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 03/02/06 07:53:29
03/02/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 03/02/06 04:09:28
03/02/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 03/02/06 01:57:53
03/01/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 03/01/06 22:29:20
03/01/06 The Lonestar State Brad and Eitan 03/03/06 00:37:51
03/01/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 03/01/06 17:58:16
03/01/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 03/01/06 15:54:23
03/01/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 03/01/06 13:56:25
03/01/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 03/01/06 12:00:42
03/01/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 03/01/06 09:59:15
03/01/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 04/19/06 01:35:03
02/28/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 02/28/06 23:57:12
02/28/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 02/28/06 21:42:46
02/28/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 02/28/06 19:59:57
02/28/06 Mr. Popular LES 02/28/06 17:59:38
02/28/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 02/28/06 14:36:45
02/28/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/18/06 00:47:16
02/28/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 03/07/06 06:21:09
02/28/06 The Kick Bryan Massoff 02/28/06 06:00:03
02/27/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 02/28/06 00:25:16
02/27/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 02/27/06 21:59:46
02/27/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 02/27/06 19:59:31
02/27/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 02/27/06 18:00:54
02/27/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 02/20/06 15:54:21
02/27/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 02/20/06 12:51:29
02/27/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 02/27/06 09:59:09
02/27/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 02/27/06 07:59:01
02/27/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 02/27/06 04:04:05
02/26/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 02/26/06 23:58:19
02/26/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 02/26/06 21:04:18
02/26/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 02/26/06 17:53:57
02/26/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 02/26/06 12:21:39
02/26/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 02/19/06 10:25:19
02/26/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 03/01/06 01:08:31
02/26/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 02/26/06 06:37:14
02/25/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 02/25/06 23:57:02
02/25/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 02/18/06 23:08:26
02/25/06 Electric Candle Dominick 02/25/06 21:09:43
02/25/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 02/25/06 14:47:11
02/25/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 02/25/06 10:36:01
02/25/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 02/25/06 03:42:22
02/25/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 02/25/06 02:16:51
02/24/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 02/24/06 20:53:21
02/24/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 02/24/06 15:46:24
02/24/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 02/17/06 12:01:12
02/24/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 02/24/06 08:15:07
02/24/06 It's Lovely Angels! Mandy Fraser 02/24/06 02:57:17
02/23/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 02/23/06 23:52:02
02/23/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 02/23/06 21:50:55
02/23/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 02/23/06 19:04:18
02/23/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 02/23/06 17:58:08
02/23/06 The Wanton Machine Nick Burka 02/23/06 15:57:12
02/23/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 02/23/06 13:55:27
02/23/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 03/02/06 11:25:10
02/23/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 02/25/06 10:09:51
02/23/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 02/23/06 04:19:49
02/23/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 02/23/06 01:57:44
02/22/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio Mandy Fraser 02/22/06 23:58:08
02/22/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 02/22/06 21:55:56
02/22/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 02/22/06 18:10:09
02/22/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 02/22/06 17:56:53
02/22/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 02/23/06 17:42:58
02/22/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 02/22/06 13:56:55
02/22/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 02/22/06 11:58:40
02/22/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 02/22/06 09:57:00
02/22/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 02/22/06 01:54:42
02/21/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 02/21/06 23:57:15
02/21/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 02/21/06 22:03:28
02/21/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 02/21/06 19:58:40
02/21/06 Mr. Popular LES 02/21/06 17:56:21
02/21/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 02/21/06 15:14:24
02/21/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/18/06 00:47:00
02/21/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 02/21/06 08:17:01
02/21/06 The Kick Bryan Massoff 02/21/06 05:55:05
02/21/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 02/21/06 01:58:57
02/20/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 02/21/06 00:02:26
02/20/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 02/20/06 22:01:26
02/20/06 Flex Yr Head Max Nova 02/20/06 19:54:50
02/20/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 02/20/06 17:57:15
02/20/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 02/13/06 15:58:28
02/20/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 02/20/06 10:42:51
02/20/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 02/20/06 10:07:51
02/20/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 02/20/06 07:19:51
02/19/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 02/19/06 23:55:47
02/19/06 Third Rail Radio Christina Kim 02/19/06 22:08:44
02/19/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 02/19/06 18:05:54
02/19/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 02/19/06 16:02:10
02/19/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 02/12/06 13:58:16
02/19/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 02/12/06 11:58:59
02/19/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 02/20/06 04:01:38
02/19/06 Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson Andy Porter 02/19/06 06:04:36
02/18/06 Hold your Sound Rudy Zamora 02/18/06 23:53:15
02/18/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 03/04/06 21:56:18
02/18/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 07/07/06 19:13:44
02/18/06 Electric Candle Dominick 02/19/06 04:09:31
02/18/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 02/18/06 15:27:00
02/18/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 02/18/06 13:20:52
02/18/06 The Gnarfest Mandy Fraser 02/18/06 13:53:06
02/18/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 02/18/06 01:49:42
02/17/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 02/17/06 21:58:36
02/17/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 02/17/06 15:46:26
02/17/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 02/17/06 14:01:01
02/17/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 02/10/06 10:45:59
02/17/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 02/17/06 09:55:18
02/17/06 The Russell Wood's Buddha Riding a Toad Variety Hour Evan Reinhard 02/17/06 06:10:48
02/17/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 02/17/06 04:05:17
02/17/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 02/17/06 01:57:33
02/16/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 02/17/06 00:02:52
02/16/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 02/16/06 20:01:54
02/16/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 02/16/06 17:57:23
02/16/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 02/16/06 15:57:49
02/16/06 PhD Procrastination Laura Schnitker 02/16/06 14:02:16
02/16/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 02/16/06 11:53:43
02/16/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 02/16/06 10:02:03
02/16/06 Equilibrium Dian Squire 02/16/06 08:20:51
02/16/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 02/16/06 04:31:13
02/16/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 02/16/06 02:00:34
02/15/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 02/15/06 22:01:04
02/15/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 02/15/06 18:17:04
02/15/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 02/15/06 17:59:44
02/15/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 02/23/06 17:44:09
02/15/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 02/15/06 13:57:23
02/15/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 02/15/06 12:01:00
02/15/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 02/15/06 09:59:20
02/15/06 THE WOAH SHOW Evan Waugh 02/12/06 19:30:23
02/15/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 02/15/06 02:11:48
02/14/06 Suburban Speed Mandy Fraser 02/16/06 01:38:15
02/14/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 02/14/06 20:18:58
02/14/06 Transience Phil Anderson 02/14/06 15:57:07
02/14/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 02/14/06 23:32:58
02/14/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 02/14/06 13:03:39
02/14/06 Too Hard for Tears Andy Bowen 02/14/06 07:53:15
02/14/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 02/14/06 02:06:48
02/13/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 02/14/06 00:11:02
02/13/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 02/13/06 22:00:14
02/13/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 02/13/06 19:52:52
02/13/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Jackie 02/12/06 17:22:26
02/13/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 02/13/06 12:12:32
02/13/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 02/13/06 10:36:05
02/13/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 02/13/06 10:02:54
02/13/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 04/17/06 07:55:09
02/13/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 02/13/06 02:34:22
02/13/06 Late-Nite Lava! Matt Stern 02/13/06 00:25:45
02/12/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Ja Levitt 02/12/06 23:58:10
02/12/06 Third Rail Radio Bridgett Bobowiec 02/12/06 20:49:44
02/12/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 02/12/06 17:59:46
02/12/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 02/12/06 15:59:16
02/12/06 Memory Machine Dan Doggett 02/07/06 13:19:17
02/12/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 02/05/06 14:17:25
02/11/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 02/11/06 21:42:56
02/11/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 07/07/06 19:13:11
02/11/06 Electric Candle Dominick 02/11/06 17:57:50
02/11/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 02/11/06 12:10:53
02/11/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 02/18/06 13:35:19
02/11/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 02/11/06 03:00:39
02/11/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 02/11/06 00:32:11
02/10/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 02/10/06 19:04:21
02/10/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 02/10/06 19:21:08
02/10/06 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 02/10/06 19:24:58
02/10/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 02/10/06 15:46:26
02/10/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 02/10/06 13:56:22
02/10/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 02/10/06 10:21:31
02/10/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 02/10/06 09:12:56
02/10/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 02/10/06 03:57:14
02/10/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 02/10/06 01:57:28
02/09/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 02/09/06 23:56:52
02/09/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 02/09/06 19:58:54
02/09/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 02/09/06 16:41:03
02/09/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 02/09/06 18:01:00
02/09/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 02/09/06 16:01:49
02/09/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 02/09/06 12:01:08
02/09/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 02/09/06 10:01:05
02/09/06 LEAVE THE HALL! Scotty Maxwell 02/14/06 17:51:54
02/09/06 Stands for Decibels DECIBELLE 02/09/06 03:31:05
02/08/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 02/09/06 00:24:40
02/08/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 02/08/06 22:00:02
02/08/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 02/08/06 18:12:36
02/08/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 02/08/06 17:58:20
02/08/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 02/08/06 15:54:50
02/08/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 02/08/06 12:10:18
02/08/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 02/08/06 12:01:10
02/08/06 The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t. Matt Phillips 02/08/06 09:59:05
02/08/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 02/08/06 02:00:30
02/07/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 02/07/06 22:47:09
02/07/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 02/07/06 21:59:06
02/07/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 02/07/06 20:01:33
02/07/06 Mr. Popular Colm Atkins 02/11/06 15:43:57
02/07/06 Transience Phil Anderson 02/07/06 16:01:41
02/07/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 02/07/06 14:03:27
02/07/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 04/18/06 00:46:19
02/07/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 02/07/06 02:04:43
02/06/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 02/07/06 00:00:11
02/06/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 02/06/06 22:01:12
02/06/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 02/06/06 17:58:15
02/06/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 02/06/06 15:59:17
02/06/06 The League: Radio Edit Alex Csicsek 02/06/06 12:07:56
02/06/06 valiant goals etc. Anna Schoenfelder 02/06/06 11:07:38
02/06/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 02/06/06 10:00:52
02/06/06 Something Eclectic Tristan 02/06/06 07:47:59
02/06/06 Sleeping is the Only Love <3 Patrick McLaughlin 02/06/06 02:38:25
02/06/06 Late-Nite Lava! Matt Stern 02/06/06 00:25:09
02/05/06 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in college park) Adam Levin 02/06/06 00:05:29
02/05/06 The Sound of Young America! Christopher Berry 02/05/06 17:58:56
02/05/06 The Underwater Jambox Emilia Costa 02/05/06 16:01:39
02/05/06 Hang the DJ Vicky and Taneem 02/05/06 10:29:50
02/05/06 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 04/16/06 08:00:59
02/04/06 Royal Jelly Kiri Lee 02/04/06 21:51:44
02/04/06 We Eat Cars Anton and Al 07/07/06 19:14:26
02/04/06 Electric Candle Dominick 02/04/06 18:05:15
02/04/06 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 02/04/06 15:03:20
02/04/06 The ReCollection Allie Frank 02/04/06 10:07:39
02/04/06 The Gnarfest Ben Meyerson 02/04/06 03:59:37
02/04/06 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 02/04/06 01:57:38
02/03/06 TRS Radio TRS Radio Crew 02/03/06 21:03:53
02/03/06 Innovation In Instrumentation C. Eric Devin 02/03/06 15:46:51
02/03/06 Something Else Jessie and Meghan 02/03/06 13:53:09
02/03/06 The Two-Headed Monster Adam Z Winer 02/03/06 12:02:32
02/03/06 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 02/03/06 09:53:08
02/03/06 If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em cranked up! Michael Levine 02/03/06 03:47:17
02/03/06 It's Lovely Angels! Ayumi 02/03/06 01:56:16
02/02/06 The Adding Machine Ryan Fisher and Dave Gill 02/02/06 23:56:16
02/02/06 We Eat Cars maya livio 02/02/06 22:01:01
02/02/06 Sunshine for your ears Julia Novakowski 02/02/06 20:15:43
02/02/06 Dollar Store Grab Bag Diaz Brothers 02/02/06 18:16:28
02/02/06 The Wanton Machine Emily Brecht 02/02/06 15:57:41
02/02/06 Green Eggs and Ham Erin and Johnna 02/02/06 12:00:02
02/02/06 Radio Show Ate My Morning Rayhan Hasan 02/02/06 10:12:00
02/01/06 JAM DOT BIZ radio E Money 02/01/06 22:33:58
02/01/06 Indiescribable Sami and Kristy 02/01/06 21:54:13
02/01/06 The Lonestar State Jstone +Tayne= <3 02/01/06 18:17:43
02/01/06 Identity Crisis Jason Heat 02/01/06 16:07:58
02/01/06 Fuck The New Bin Christina Kim 02/01/06 15:40:56
02/01/06 The Wake-Up Bomb! Joe Straaik 02/01/06 13:20:39
02/01/06 Black Coffee Ellen Roche 02/01/06 11:59:14
02/01/06 Too Hott to Handle Matt L 02/01/06 00:15:46
01/31/06 Suburban Speed Mat Lewis 01/31/06 23:57:24
01/31/06 Thug Motivation 101 Andrew 01/31/06 21:58:13
01/31/06 The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program The Harvman 02/02/06 20:38:49
01/31/06 Mr. Popular Adam Z Winer 01/31/06 17:51:42
01/31/06 Fuck The New Bin Christopher Berry 02/02/06 20:29:37
01/31/06 Secondhand Coolness Kevin Chin 01/31/06 13:58:57
01/31/06 Camel Toads Monika Tomczak 01/31/06 12:21:47
01/31/06 Back to the Basics Andrew Stevens 01/31/06 01:37:08
01/30/06 The Apple Juice Break Dj Eyecue 02/02/06 20:37:31
01/30/06 FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME Ricardo Pizarro 02/02/06 20:34:19
01/30/06 Super Ninja Robot Dinosaur Rocket Launcher Fight Hour Colm Atkins 02/01/06 10:13:45
01/30/06 TOO HAN TO HANDLE Rohan Mahadevan 02/27/06 15:57:46
01/30/06 The Alternative Breakfast Party from Hell Megan Lahman 05/15/06 10:40:25

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