
Displaying archived playlist for Sound & Vision on 2011-01-18 22:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Sound & Vision #10: 90s Dance, Industrial, and Electronica
2 David Bowie Looking for Lester Black Tie White Noise
3 David Bowie Pallas Athena Black Tie White Noise [album version]
4 David Bowie The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty) 1. Outside
5 David Bowie and Nine Inch Nails Hallo Spaceboy [Live from the 1995’s Outside Tour]
6 David Bowie The Motel 1. Outside
7 David Bowie Wishful Beginnings 1. Outside
8 David Bowie We Prick You 1. Outside
9 David Bowie I’m Afraid of Americans Earthling [album version]
10 David Bowie Little Wonder Earthling
11 David Bowie with Robert Smith The Last Thing You Should Do [Live from his 1997 50th Birthday Show]

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