
Display playlists from semester 26, newest first.

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Show Date Show Name Entered By Last Modified
12/24/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 12/24/07 01:58:28
12/23/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 12/24/07 00:00:18
12/23/07 Third Rail Radio Lilly B. 12/23/07 21:12:41
12/23/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Lilly B. 12/23/07 18:01:40
12/23/07 Radio Rebelde Fuzzy Slippers 12/23/07 01:25:08
12/22/07 Unscheduled Show Sean the Suspect 12/22/07 23:59:45
12/22/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 12/21/07 02:01:23
12/22/07 Electric Candle Dominick 12/22/07 21:02:08
12/22/07 Broken Elevator Patchen Mortimer 12/22/07 12:03:36
12/21/07 Coast To Coast Overdose Laura Mateczun 12/22/07 02:17:10
12/21/07 Pizza Party! Sean Gray 12/21/07 20:07:45
12/21/07 Hot Socks Radio Greg Cox 12/21/07 17:57:12
12/21/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 12/21/07 08:11:17
12/20/07 Unscheduled Show Kellen Hamill 12/21/07 00:07:07
12/20/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 12/20/07 11:56:14
12/20/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution Charlatan Dizzy 12/20/07 03:01:09
12/19/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 12/19/07 20:16:58
12/19/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 12/19/07 10:11:11
12/18/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 12/18/07 23:55:44
12/18/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 12/18/07 19:47:57
12/18/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 12/18/07 18:00:05
12/18/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 12/18/07 16:00:12
12/18/07 Unscheduled Show Amy Dewan 12/18/07 14:18:57
12/18/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 12/18/07 12:36:19
12/18/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 12/18/07 12:03:37
12/18/07 rudie-patootie Laura Mateczun 12/18/07 10:02:16
12/18/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Laura Mateczun 12/18/07 06:19:11
12/18/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Laura Mateczun 12/18/07 05:46:28
12/17/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 12/17/07 22:02:17
12/17/07 Han Solo S. Joshua Dunietz 12/17/07 20:05:07
12/17/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 12/17/07 17:43:07
12/17/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 12/17/07 16:01:34
12/17/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 12/17/07 13:59:44
12/17/07 radiobolical. Laura Reading 12/17/07 11:59:32
12/17/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 12/17/07 09:59:02
12/17/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 12/17/07 03:56:53
12/17/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 12/17/07 01:59:33
12/16/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 12/16/07 23:50:51
12/16/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 12/16/07 21:02:03
12/16/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 12/16/07 19:21:10
12/16/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 12/16/07 16:00:35
12/16/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 12/16/07 06:18:13
12/16/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 12/16/07 08:59:02
12/15/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 12/18/07 16:21:08
12/15/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 12/15/07 21:10:30
12/15/07 Electric Candle Dominick 12/15/07 22:54:25
12/15/07 Talk Box Calei 12/15/07 14:54:51
12/15/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 12/15/07 10:29:04
12/14/07 Coast To Coast Overdose Joel Sephy 12/15/07 00:14:41
12/14/07 Pizza Party! Jaren Love 12/14/07 20:04:59
12/14/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 12/14/07 18:06:05
12/14/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 12/14/07 14:10:33
12/14/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 12/14/07 11:47:52
12/14/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 12/14/07 08:56:04
12/14/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 12/14/07 07:49:57
12/14/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 12/14/07 06:01:38
12/14/07 The Strange Bedfellows Igor 12/14/07 03:59:09
12/14/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 12/16/07 20:44:13
12/13/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 12/13/07 23:57:38
12/13/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 12/13/07 21:55:31
12/13/07 Frat Radio Dan Schwartz 12/13/07 19:57:41
12/13/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 12/13/07 18:01:14
12/13/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Jaren Love 12/13/07 15:59:26
12/13/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 12/13/07 11:57:24
12/13/07 Esoterically Speaking… Lauren Gorman 12/12/07 22:07:40
12/12/07 kidz night Adam Z Winer 12/12/07 23:19:35
12/12/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 12/12/07 21:57:55
12/12/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 12/12/07 20:01:35
12/12/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 12/12/07 17:55:49
12/12/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Kellen Hamill 12/16/07 20:44:25
12/12/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 12/12/07 13:57:28
12/12/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 12/12/07 12:00:19
12/12/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 12/12/07 10:01:16
12/12/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 12/12/07 08:10:58
12/12/07 Half & 1/2 (Half taken Seriously, 1/2 a good show) Jeremy Spekman 12/12/07 02:05:01
12/11/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 12/11/07 22:11:49
12/11/07 two hours of scho and tell Bill Schoenfelder 12/11/07 22:02:20
12/11/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 12/11/07 19:56:27
12/11/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 12/11/07 17:57:32
12/11/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 12/11/07 16:01:02
12/11/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 12/11/07 14:01:07
12/11/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 12/12/07 09:22:50
12/11/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 12/11/07 10:00:13
12/11/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 12/11/07 08:00:11
12/11/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Laura Mateczun 12/11/07 04:42:54
12/10/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 12/10/07 22:03:55
12/10/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 12/10/07 15:53:03
12/10/07 radiobolical. Laura Reading 12/10/07 12:06:52
12/10/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 12/10/07 10:01:39
12/10/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 12/10/07 02:17:40
12/09/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 12/10/07 00:01:19
12/09/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 12/09/07 20:56:47
12/09/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 12/09/07 23:15:02
12/09/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Carter Thomas 12/09/07 14:35:40
12/09/07 Hobo's Lullaby Carter Thomas 12/09/07 14:00:13
12/09/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 12/09/07 11:41:34
12/09/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 12/09/07 08:49:39
12/08/07 Played in Full Scotty Maxwell 12/09/07 00:18:34
12/08/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 12/08/07 22:09:39
12/08/07 Electric Candle Dominick 12/08/07 18:02:13
12/08/07 Talk Box Calei 12/08/07 13:24:37
12/08/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 12/08/07 11:53:49
12/08/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 12/08/07 13:42:03
12/07/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 12/07/07 19:58:46
12/07/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 12/07/07 17:57:48
12/07/07 the get down Chris Grady 12/07/07 15:56:15
12/07/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 12/08/07 16:25:36
12/07/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 12/07/07 12:10:21
12/07/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 12/07/07 09:52:16
12/07/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 12/07/07 07:30:04
12/07/07 audioporn Joel Sephy 12/07/07 05:58:43
12/07/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 12/07/07 03:56:53
12/07/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 12/07/07 01:52:20
12/06/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 12/07/07 00:00:59
12/06/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 12/06/07 19:49:00
12/06/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 12/06/07 18:01:01
12/06/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 12/06/07 15:56:36
12/06/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 12/06/07 13:57:26
12/06/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 12/06/07 11:58:56
12/06/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 12/06/07 07:58:20
12/06/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution Laura Mateczun 12/11/07 01:55:40
12/05/07 kidz night Laura Mateczun 12/06/07 00:08:34
12/05/07 The IDentity Crisis Darby 12/05/07 21:26:00
12/05/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 12/05/07 18:42:12
12/05/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 12/05/07 17:52:09
12/05/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Laura Mateczun 12/05/07 16:04:32
12/05/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 12/05/07 11:49:28
12/05/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 12/05/07 09:58:27
12/05/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 12/05/07 08:09:00
12/05/07 Half & 1/2 (Half taken Seriously, 1/2 a good show) Jeremy Spekman 12/05/07 01:57:34
12/04/07 stands for decibels KayBay 12/04/07 23:57:59
12/04/07 two hours of scho and tell Bill Schoenfelder 12/04/07 22:04:33
12/04/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 12/04/07 19:54:36
12/04/07 Unscheduled Show Christopher Berry 12/04/07 17:51:58
12/04/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 12/02/07 00:04:16
12/04/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 12/04/07 15:58:54
12/04/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 12/04/07 11:57:43
12/04/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 12/04/07 10:01:03
12/04/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 12/04/07 08:00:05
12/04/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 12/04/07 05:52:48
12/04/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 12/04/07 00:44:24
12/03/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 12/04/07 01:06:50
12/03/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 12/03/07 17:57:47
12/03/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 12/03/07 14:02:47
12/03/07 radiobolical. Darby 12/03/07 11:52:09
12/03/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 12/03/07 09:57:51
12/03/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 12/03/07 03:50:17
12/03/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Adam Z Winer 12/03/07 01:19:40
12/02/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Adam Z Winer 12/02/07 23:40:40
12/02/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 12/02/07 20:52:18
12/02/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 12/02/07 17:34:45
12/02/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Jenna 12/02/07 15:57:27
12/02/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 12/02/07 14:03:22
12/02/07 Radio Rebelde Christopher Berry 12/02/07 02:15:32
12/01/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 12/02/07 02:45:23
12/01/07 Unscheduled Show Dominick 12/01/07 21:31:43
12/01/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 12/01/07 21:05:29
12/01/07 Electric Candle Dominick 12/04/07 02:09:19
12/01/07 Talk Box Calei 12/01/07 14:53:25
12/01/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 12/01/07 11:53:38
12/01/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 12/07/07 16:18:14
11/30/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 11/30/07 19:50:19
11/30/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 11/30/07 17:58:13
11/30/07 the get down Paul Krolian 11/30/07 15:40:39
11/30/07 Classical Underdogs Rebecca Wise 11/30/07 13:52:51
11/30/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 11/30/07 11:53:06
11/30/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 11/30/07 08:50:08
11/30/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 11/30/07 07:59:49
11/30/07 audioporn Joel Sephy 11/30/07 05:55:22
11/30/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 11/30/07 03:57:32
11/30/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 11/30/07 10:40:13
11/29/07 Misfire Radio Sherry Chen 11/29/07 23:56:26
11/29/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 11/29/07 21:44:21
11/29/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 11/29/07 19:49:17
11/29/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 11/29/07 17:39:25
11/29/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 11/29/07 15:59:38
11/29/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 11/29/07 13:56:45
11/29/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 11/29/07 11:40:35
11/29/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 11/29/07 09:51:53
11/29/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 11/29/07 05:56:27
11/29/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution KayBay 11/29/07 00:22:37
11/28/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 11/28/07 22:06:26
11/28/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 11/28/07 20:03:25
11/28/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 11/28/07 17:46:10
11/28/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 11/28/07 15:58:24
11/28/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Christopher Berry 11/28/07 12:41:36
11/28/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 11/28/07 12:00:57
11/28/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 11/28/07 09:57:08
11/28/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 11/28/07 04:04:05
11/28/07 Half & 1/2 (Half taken Seriously, 1/2 a good show) Jeremy Spekman 11/28/07 01:56:57
11/27/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 11/27/07 23:57:42
11/27/07 two hours of scho and tell Bill Schoenfelder 11/27/07 21:00:09
11/27/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 11/27/07 19:35:47
11/27/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 11/27/07 17:56:36
11/27/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 11/27/07 15:57:31
11/27/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 11/27/07 13:54:51
11/27/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 11/27/07 12:00:38
11/27/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 11/27/07 09:59:29
11/27/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 11/27/07 07:58:15
11/27/07 Unscheduled Show Nick Strumpf 11/27/07 06:37:16
11/27/07 Unscheduled Show Genevieve Poist 11/27/07 04:09:39
11/27/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Genevieve Poist 11/27/07 04:17:27
11/27/07 Caffeinated Headphones Genevieve Poist 11/27/07 04:06:55
11/27/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 11/27/07 01:44:56
11/26/07 Teen Age Riot! Laura Mateczun 11/26/07 22:02:11
11/26/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 12/03/07 17:43:50
11/26/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 11/26/07 17:54:48
11/26/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 11/26/07 16:06:15
11/26/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 11/26/07 14:00:24
11/26/07 radiobolical. Darby 11/26/07 12:01:23
11/26/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 11/26/07 04:00:58
11/26/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 11/26/07 01:58:29
11/25/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 11/26/07 00:04:13
11/25/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 11/25/07 20:33:41
11/25/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 11/25/07 17:35:11
11/25/07 Hobo's Lullaby Mandy Fraser 11/25/07 13:49:31
11/25/07 Megalomania Charlatan Dizzy 11/25/07 05:53:46
11/24/07 Played in Full Sean the Suspect 11/25/07 01:37:54
11/24/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 11/24/07 22:21:59
11/24/07 Electric Candle Dominick 11/24/07 22:41:54
11/24/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 11/24/07 13:00:37
11/23/07 Tin Pan Alley Armida Lowe 11/23/07 22:03:05
11/23/07 the get down DECIBELLE 11/23/07 19:06:08
11/23/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 11/23/07 08:15:29
11/22/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 11/22/07 08:35:28
11/22/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 11/22/07 04:55:09
11/21/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 11/21/07 23:21:22
11/21/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 11/21/07 19:43:44
11/21/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 11/21/07 11:55:00
11/21/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 11/21/07 10:03:12
11/21/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 11/21/07 03:04:14
11/21/07 Half & 1/2 (Half taken Seriously, 1/2 a good show) Genevieve Poist 11/21/07 01:58:27
11/20/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 11/20/07 23:58:42
11/20/07 two hours of scho and tell Bill Schoenfelder 11/20/07 22:05:40
11/20/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 11/20/07 20:00:33
11/20/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 11/20/07 17:52:41
11/20/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 11/20/07 15:59:00
11/20/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 11/20/07 13:56:56
11/20/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 11/20/07 12:02:28
11/20/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 11/20/07 09:59:35
11/20/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 11/20/07 07:55:03
11/20/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 11/20/07 04:23:09
11/20/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 11/20/07 03:59:02
11/20/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 11/20/07 01:52:09
11/19/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 11/19/07 22:04:42
11/19/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 11/19/07 19:46:49
11/19/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 11/19/07 17:58:35
11/19/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 11/19/07 15:53:35
11/19/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 11/19/07 13:58:02
11/19/07 radiobolical. Darby 11/19/07 11:57:09
11/19/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 11/19/07 09:37:21
11/19/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 11/19/07 03:52:39
11/19/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 11/19/07 02:02:58
11/18/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 11/18/07 23:58:38
11/18/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 11/18/07 20:52:58
11/18/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 11/18/07 17:44:25
11/18/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Jenna 11/18/07 14:07:08
11/18/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 11/18/07 14:02:53
11/17/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 11/18/07 03:53:59
11/17/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 11/17/07 21:08:06
11/17/07 Electric Candle Dominick 11/17/07 20:08:44
11/17/07 Broken Elevator Savannah McGregor 11/17/07 09:31:55
11/17/07 Ferpect Radio Savannah McGregor 11/17/07 09:01:55
11/17/07 Five/Eight Radio S. Joshua Dunietz 11/17/07 05:53:22
11/17/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 11/21/07 17:50:17
11/16/07 Tin Pan Alley Kyle Lucas 11/16/07 21:53:21
11/16/07 Pizza Party! Lee Durham 11/16/07 19:57:18
11/16/07 Hot Socks Radio Alan Langworthy 11/16/07 17:58:22
11/16/07 the get down Paul Krolian 11/16/07 16:05:48
11/16/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 11/16/07 13:49:29
11/16/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 11/16/07 11:58:37
11/16/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 11/16/07 09:03:58
11/16/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 11/16/07 07:48:05
11/16/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 11/16/07 05:58:49
11/16/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 11/16/07 04:04:06
11/16/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 11/16/07 11:27:55
11/15/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 11/15/07 23:11:42
11/15/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 11/15/07 21:45:15
11/15/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 11/15/07 22:36:37
11/15/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 11/15/07 18:06:36
11/15/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 11/15/07 16:01:38
11/15/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 11/15/07 13:49:50
11/15/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 11/15/07 11:56:52
11/15/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 11/15/07 09:59:21
11/15/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 11/15/07 07:52:48
11/15/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 11/15/07 05:59:43
11/15/07 Esoterically Speaking… Lauren Gorman 11/15/07 03:40:48
11/14/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 11/14/07 23:08:25
11/14/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 11/14/07 20:44:32
11/14/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 11/14/07 17:46:16
11/14/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 11/14/07 15:57:49
11/14/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 11/14/07 13:59:49
11/14/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 11/14/07 11:52:23
11/14/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 11/21/07 10:01:11
11/14/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 11/14/07 08:02:10
11/14/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 11/14/07 03:57:45
11/14/07 Half & 1/2 (Half taken Seriously, 1/2 a good show) Jeremy Spekman 11/14/07 02:00:48
11/13/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 11/13/07 23:52:48
11/13/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 11/13/07 19:56:54
11/13/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 11/13/07 18:03:21
11/13/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 11/13/07 15:53:13
11/13/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 11/13/07 12:01:38
11/13/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 11/13/07 09:58:03
11/13/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Chris Jones 11/13/07 23:00:58
11/13/07 Caffeinated Headphones Genevieve Poist 11/13/07 04:00:42
11/13/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 11/13/07 01:51:10
11/12/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 11/12/07 20:42:06
11/12/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 11/12/07 21:56:34
11/12/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 11/12/07 18:03:15
11/12/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 11/12/07 16:02:04
11/12/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 11/12/07 13:59:12
11/12/07 radiobolical. Darby 11/12/07 11:55:50
11/12/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 11/12/07 10:02:26
11/12/07 Hobo's Lullaby Carter Thomas 11/12/07 08:00:00
11/12/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 11/12/07 03:49:07
11/12/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 11/12/07 01:59:46
11/11/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 11/12/07 00:00:53
11/11/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 11/11/07 20:46:01
11/11/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 11/11/07 20:22:48
11/11/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 11/18/07 15:53:30
11/11/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 11/11/07 15:51:04
11/11/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 11/11/07 11:20:21
11/11/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 11/11/07 08:57:33
11/10/07 Electric Candle Dominick 11/10/07 19:59:52
11/10/07 Unscheduled Show Kellen Hamill 11/10/07 15:08:40
11/10/07 Talk Box Calei 11/10/07 13:55:38
11/10/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 11/10/07 11:35:48
11/10/07 Ferpect Radio Jared McGrath 11/10/07 08:59:19
11/10/07 Five/Eight Radio S. Joshua Dunietz 11/10/07 06:01:02
11/10/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 11/10/07 02:54:31
11/09/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 11/09/07 18:57:06
11/09/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 11/09/07 17:58:21
11/09/07 the get down Paul Krolian 11/09/07 16:03:10
11/09/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 11/09/07 12:38:22
11/09/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 11/09/07 11:58:26
11/09/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 11/09/07 08:38:44
11/09/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 11/09/07 07:19:24
11/09/07 audioporn Joel Sephy 11/09/07 05:58:02
11/09/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 11/09/07 03:59:17
11/09/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 11/11/07 12:06:31
11/08/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 11/08/07 23:49:40
11/08/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 11/08/07 21:41:28
11/08/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 11/08/07 20:02:43
11/08/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 11/08/07 18:05:16
11/08/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 11/08/07 16:00:59
11/08/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 11/08/07 14:00:30
11/08/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 11/08/07 11:57:50
11/08/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 11/08/07 09:52:08
11/08/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 11/08/07 07:54:46
11/08/07 Exile on Vain Street Shovel Shovelist 11/08/07 05:58:56
11/08/07 Esoterically Speaking… Shovel Shovelist 11/08/07 04:03:04
11/07/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 11/07/07 23:35:28
11/07/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 11/07/07 22:07:54
11/07/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 11/07/07 19:53:56
11/07/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Shovel Shovelist 11/07/07 17:55:54
11/07/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 11/07/07 15:50:53
11/07/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 11/07/07 11:49:35
11/07/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 11/21/07 10:01:45
11/07/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 11/07/07 08:06:30
11/07/07 Half and Half Stephen Fleg 11/07/07 01:57:54
11/06/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 11/06/07 23:58:14
11/06/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 11/06/07 19:55:30
11/06/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 11/06/07 17:56:40
11/06/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 11/06/07 15:56:27
11/06/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 11/06/07 13:59:45
11/06/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 11/06/07 12:07:09
11/06/07 Unscheduled Show Amanda Gaines 11/06/07 08:56:49
11/06/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 11/06/07 07:59:37
11/06/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 11/06/07 05:53:31
11/06/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 11/06/07 03:58:42
11/06/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 11/06/07 01:56:22
11/05/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 11/06/07 01:12:54
11/05/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 11/05/07 20:04:00
11/05/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 11/05/07 18:17:45
11/05/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 11/05/07 15:55:50
11/05/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 11/05/07 13:54:06
11/05/07 radiobolical. Darby 11/05/07 11:55:56
11/05/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 11/05/07 10:01:51
11/05/07 Hobo's Lullaby Carter Thomas 11/05/07 08:01:50
11/05/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 11/05/07 03:56:15
11/05/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 11/05/07 01:52:13
11/04/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 11/04/07 23:57:24
11/04/07 Third Rail Radio Rayhan Hasan 11/04/07 19:07:06
11/04/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 11/04/07 17:39:53
11/04/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 11/04/07 15:58:23
11/04/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 11/11/07 11:00:28
11/04/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 11/04/07 09:01:43
11/03/07 Played in Full Kyle Lucas 11/03/07 23:56:10
11/03/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 11/03/07 20:55:35
11/03/07 Electric Candle Dominick 11/03/07 15:34:02
11/03/07 Talk Box Dave Sisson 11/13/07 18:13:28
11/03/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 11/03/07 12:42:05
11/03/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 11/03/07 02:54:53
11/02/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 11/02/07 19:53:26
11/02/07 Unscheduled Show Laura Cooke 11/02/07 17:53:24
11/02/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 11/02/07 16:01:24
11/02/07 the get down Paul Krolian 11/02/07 15:56:53
11/02/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 11/02/07 11:53:10
11/02/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 11/02/07 09:08:07
11/02/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 11/02/07 07:41:15
11/02/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 11/02/07 06:07:18
11/02/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 11/02/07 03:57:06
11/02/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 11/02/07 01:54:24
11/01/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 11/01/07 23:57:34
11/01/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 11/01/07 21:58:15
11/01/07 Frat Radio Dan Schwartz 11/01/07 19:59:23
11/01/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 11/01/07 17:59:24
11/01/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 11/01/07 16:04:11
11/01/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 11/01/07 13:34:04
11/01/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 11/01/07 11:56:46
11/01/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 11/01/07 09:55:57
11/01/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 11/01/07 08:24:27
11/01/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 11/01/07 05:56:59
11/01/07 Esoterically Speaking… Lauren Gorman 11/01/07 03:40:59
11/01/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution Savannah McGregor 11/01/07 01:57:06
10/31/07 kidz night DECIBELLE 10/31/07 23:40:18
10/31/07 The IDentity Crisis Matt Love 10/31/07 21:18:37
10/31/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/31/07 18:18:33
10/31/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/31/07 18:18:41
10/31/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/31/07 18:22:49
10/31/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 10/31/07 17:47:16
10/31/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 10/31/07 16:00:03
10/31/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 10/31/07 14:02:12
10/31/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 10/31/07 11:55:03
10/31/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/31/07 09:59:33
10/31/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 10/31/07 08:01:05
10/31/07 Half and Half Jeremy Spekman 10/31/07 01:59:09
10/30/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 10/30/07 23:58:29
10/30/07 two hours of scho and tell Ebbie 10/30/07 22:00:02
10/30/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 10/30/07 20:05:19
10/30/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 10/30/07 17:53:40
10/30/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 10/30/07 15:58:35
10/30/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 10/30/07 14:00:14
10/30/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 10/31/07 10:59:59
10/30/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 10/30/07 09:59:23
10/30/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 10/30/07 20:26:17
10/30/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 10/30/07 05:50:20
10/30/07 Caffeinated Headphones Genevieve Poist 10/30/07 03:58:30
10/29/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 10/29/07 17:59:20
10/29/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 10/29/07 15:52:44
10/29/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 10/29/07 13:46:55
10/29/07 radiobolical. Darby 10/29/07 11:57:52
10/29/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 10/29/07 10:02:40
10/29/07 Hobo's Lullaby Carter Thomas 10/29/07 07:58:49
10/29/07 The NEW Funktakular Suprise Kyle Lucas 10/29/07 05:58:15
10/29/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Kyle Lucas 10/29/07 03:58:02
10/29/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 10/29/07 01:56:58
10/28/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 10/28/07 23:55:14
10/28/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 10/28/07 20:59:13
10/28/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 10/28/07 18:44:24
10/28/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 10/28/07 16:02:27
10/28/07 Hobo's Lullaby Carter Thomas 12/16/07 14:18:28
10/28/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 11/11/07 11:00:17
10/28/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 10/28/07 08:58:23
10/28/07 Radio Rebelde Dave Holtzer 10/28/07 22:39:19
10/27/07 Played in Full Navid Azeez 10/28/07 00:00:29
10/27/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 10/27/07 21:03:42
10/27/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/27/07 17:25:05
10/27/07 Talk Box Calei 10/27/07 14:49:43
10/27/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 10/27/07 11:30:12
10/27/07 Ferpect Radio Jared McGrath 10/27/07 07:53:23
10/27/07 Five/Eight Radio Laura Mateczun 10/27/07 05:52:22
10/27/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 10/27/07 07:03:51
10/26/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 10/26/07 19:58:20
10/26/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 10/26/07 18:01:01
10/26/07 the get down Paul Krolian 10/26/07 16:00:22
10/26/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 10/26/07 13:47:17
10/26/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 10/26/07 11:40:14
10/26/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 10/26/07 09:04:51
10/26/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 10/26/07 07:59:50
10/26/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 10/26/07 05:58:20
10/26/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 10/26/07 03:54:30
10/26/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 10/28/07 23:03:36
10/25/07 Unscheduled Show Nick Candela 10/25/07 23:42:09
10/25/07 Smash Your Ipod Jaren Love 10/25/07 21:59:13
10/25/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 10/25/07 20:01:32
10/25/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 10/25/07 17:59:05
10/25/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 10/25/07 15:55:42
10/25/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 10/25/07 13:58:35
10/25/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 10/25/07 11:57:35
10/25/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 10/25/07 09:49:08
10/25/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 10/25/07 07:55:30
10/25/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 10/25/07 05:43:06
10/25/07 Esoterically Speaking… Lauren Gorman 10/25/07 02:11:46
10/25/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 10/25/07 01:55:11
10/24/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 10/24/07 23:39:05
10/24/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 10/24/07 22:09:22
10/24/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/24/07 19:51:45
10/24/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 10/24/07 17:50:54
10/24/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 10/24/07 15:58:54
10/24/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 10/24/07 13:53:30
10/24/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 10/24/07 11:51:52
10/24/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/24/07 10:02:39
10/24/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 10/24/07 08:54:30
10/24/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 10/24/07 02:28:02
10/24/07 Half and Half Stephen Fleg 10/24/07 00:53:55
10/24/07 Half and Half Stephen Fleg 10/24/07 02:03:47
10/23/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 10/24/07 00:00:23
10/23/07 Unscheduled Show Ebbie 10/23/07 21:59:44
10/23/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 10/23/07 20:26:26
10/23/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 10/23/07 20:05:28
10/23/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 10/23/07 20:45:04
10/23/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 10/23/07 15:59:23
10/23/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 10/23/07 13:59:45
10/23/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 10/23/07 11:58:42
10/23/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 10/23/07 09:57:03
10/23/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 10/23/07 07:59:45
10/23/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 10/23/07 05:51:55
10/23/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 10/23/07 03:56:25
10/23/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 10/23/07 01:49:46
10/22/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 10/22/07 22:06:17
10/22/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 10/22/07 18:58:25
10/22/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 10/22/07 18:14:21
10/22/07 The McLaughlin Group Jaren Love 10/22/07 16:02:46
10/22/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 10/22/07 13:56:38
10/22/07 radiobolical. Darby 10/22/07 11:51:12
10/22/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 10/22/07 09:56:57
10/22/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 10/22/07 08:08:07
10/22/07 The NEW Funktakular Suprise Katherine Witt 10/22/07 06:04:51
10/22/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 10/22/07 03:56:11
10/22/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 10/22/07 01:55:45
10/21/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 10/22/07 00:01:31
10/21/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 10/21/07 20:54:48
10/21/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 10/21/07 18:15:03
10/21/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 10/21/07 12:04:27
10/21/07 DNA in the DNA Jaren Love 10/21/07 10:29:17
10/20/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 10/20/07 20:44:10
10/20/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/20/07 20:46:20
10/20/07 Talk Box Calei 10/20/07 15:00:07
10/20/07 Broken Elevator Savannah McGregor 10/20/07 11:57:12
10/20/07 Ferpect Radio Jared McGrath 10/21/07 01:16:44
10/20/07 Five/Eight Radio S. Joshua Dunietz 10/20/07 05:52:35
10/20/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 10/20/07 02:41:59
10/19/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 10/20/07 15:47:14
10/19/07 Tin Pan Alley Christopher Berry 10/19/07 20:08:31
10/19/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 10/19/07 19:57:36
10/19/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 10/19/07 17:58:35
10/19/07 the get down Paul Krolian 10/19/07 15:52:12
10/19/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 10/26/07 12:28:00
10/19/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 10/19/07 11:53:40
10/19/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 10/19/07 08:58:14
10/19/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 10/19/07 06:26:11
10/19/07 audioporn Emily Williams 10/19/07 05:54:16
10/19/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 10/19/07 04:02:07
10/19/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 10/19/07 01:59:43
10/18/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 10/18/07 23:38:35
10/18/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 10/18/07 21:57:24
10/18/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 10/18/07 19:59:57
10/18/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 10/18/07 18:00:55
10/18/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 10/18/07 16:02:07
10/18/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 10/18/07 13:53:51
10/18/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 10/18/07 12:01:14
10/18/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 10/18/07 09:55:38
10/18/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 10/18/07 08:01:44
10/18/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 10/18/07 05:51:34
10/18/07 Esoterically Speaking… Lauren Gorman 10/18/07 04:01:18
10/18/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 10/18/07 00:39:39
10/18/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 10/18/07 02:00:12
10/17/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 10/17/07 23:44:08
10/17/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 10/17/07 21:58:57
10/17/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 10/17/07 18:47:24
10/17/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 10/17/07 19:20:42
10/17/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 10/17/07 17:55:41
10/17/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 10/17/07 15:56:58
10/17/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 10/17/07 14:00:15
10/17/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 10/17/07 12:01:38
10/17/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/17/07 09:58:05
10/17/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 10/18/07 09:27:13
10/17/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 10/17/07 04:01:31
10/16/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 10/17/07 00:04:49
10/16/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 10/16/07 21:55:00
10/16/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 10/16/07 20:00:54
10/16/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 10/16/07 17:51:47
10/16/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 10/16/07 15:56:19
10/16/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 10/16/07 13:57:00
10/16/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 10/16/07 11:57:36
10/16/07 Unscheduled Show Amanda Gaines 10/16/07 09:00:01
10/16/07 rudie-patootie Ricky Alexander 10/16/07 09:58:34
10/16/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 10/16/07 08:01:31
10/16/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 10/16/07 06:03:01
10/16/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 10/16/07 04:01:57
10/16/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 10/16/07 01:11:39
10/15/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 10/15/07 22:10:30
10/15/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 10/15/07 20:04:32
10/15/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 10/15/07 18:00:16
10/15/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 10/15/07 16:07:40
10/15/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 10/15/07 13:55:06
10/15/07 radiobolical. Darby 10/15/07 11:55:40
10/15/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 10/15/07 10:00:47
10/15/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 10/16/07 16:33:24
10/15/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 10/15/07 03:53:57
10/15/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 10/15/07 01:54:45
10/14/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 10/14/07 23:53:12
10/14/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 10/14/07 21:09:51
10/14/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Adam Levin 10/14/07 17:59:49
10/14/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 10/14/07 08:57:44
10/13/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 10/14/07 00:00:09
10/13/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 10/13/07 21:25:20
10/13/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/20/07 04:59:03
10/13/07 Talk Box Calei 10/13/07 14:56:32
10/13/07 Broken Elevator Maureen Sullivan 10/13/07 12:04:52
10/13/07 Ferpect Radio Jared McGrath 10/17/07 00:03:51
10/13/07 Five/Eight Radio Genevieve Poist 10/13/07 06:00:55
10/13/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 10/13/07 02:22:24
10/12/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 10/20/07 15:40:28
10/12/07 Tin Pan Alley Shovel Shovelist 10/12/07 22:00:01
10/12/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 10/12/07 19:55:20
10/12/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 10/12/07 17:58:17
10/12/07 the get down Paul Krolian 10/12/07 15:54:30
10/12/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 10/12/07 13:49:27
10/12/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 10/12/07 11:55:27
10/12/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 10/12/07 07:56:35
10/12/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 10/12/07 05:58:07
10/12/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 10/12/07 03:59:08
10/12/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 10/12/07 01:57:41
10/11/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 10/11/07 23:56:07
10/11/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 10/11/07 21:49:39
10/11/07 Frat Radio Dan Schwartz 10/11/07 20:03:57
10/11/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 10/11/07 17:58:04
10/11/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 10/11/07 16:01:17
10/11/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 10/11/07 13:49:49
10/11/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 10/11/07 10:04:05
10/11/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 10/11/07 08:05:01
10/11/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 10/11/07 03:57:30
10/10/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 10/11/07 00:22:32
10/10/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 10/10/07 22:01:44
10/10/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/10/07 19:51:26
10/10/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 10/10/07 17:51:18
10/10/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 10/10/07 15:57:32
10/10/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 10/10/07 14:01:34
10/10/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 10/10/07 11:56:46
10/10/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/10/07 09:58:08
10/10/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 10/10/07 08:13:02
10/10/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 10/10/07 03:58:28
10/10/07 Half and Half Stephen Fleg 10/10/07 01:59:16
10/09/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 10/09/07 23:59:32
10/09/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 10/09/07 21:57:53
10/09/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Kara Sanders 10/09/07 20:06:03
10/09/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 10/09/07 17:52:56
10/09/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 10/09/07 15:56:00
10/09/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 10/09/07 14:00:28
10/09/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 10/09/07 12:12:53
10/09/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 10/09/07 09:58:05
10/09/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 10/09/07 05:45:16
10/09/07 Caffeinated Headphones Genevieve Poist 10/09/07 03:59:19
10/09/07 hateration in the dancerie Dan Goetz 12/21/07 02:12:38
10/08/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 10/08/07 21:57:11
10/08/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 10/08/07 19:51:11
10/08/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 10/08/07 18:02:54
10/08/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 10/08/07 15:58:46
10/08/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 10/08/07 13:59:09
10/08/07 radiobolical. Darby 10/08/07 11:58:24
10/08/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 10/08/07 09:49:06
10/08/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 10/08/07 08:01:59
10/08/07 The NEW Funktakular Suprise Katherine Witt 10/08/07 06:00:56
10/08/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 10/08/07 03:51:08
10/08/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Genevieve Poist 10/08/07 02:01:18
10/07/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio S. Joshua Dunietz 10/08/07 00:04:58
10/07/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 10/07/07 20:56:25
10/07/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Christopher Berry 10/07/07 17:47:08
10/07/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 10/07/07 14:53:57
10/07/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 11/11/07 11:00:06
10/07/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 10/07/07 09:00:15
10/07/07 Radio Rebelde Nick Ruggia 10/07/07 02:53:14
10/06/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 10/07/07 02:56:17
10/06/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 10/06/07 21:00:10
10/06/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/06/07 18:12:34
10/06/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 10/06/07 10:14:47
10/06/07 Ferpect Radio Jared McGrath 10/18/07 00:49:05
10/06/07 Five/Eight Radio Savannah McGregor 10/06/07 06:01:44
10/06/07 Queer Quorner Scott La Cross 10/06/07 02:40:57
10/05/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 10/20/07 15:33:24
10/05/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 10/05/07 19:58:13
10/05/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 10/05/07 17:57:56
10/05/07 the get down Jared McGrath 10/17/07 00:05:28
10/05/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 10/05/07 13:46:52
10/05/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 10/05/07 11:49:33
10/05/07 Roots & Wings Lauren Gorman 10/07/07 13:25:00
10/05/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 10/05/07 07:55:26
10/05/07 audioporn Lauren Kaufman 10/05/07 06:01:40
10/05/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 10/05/07 03:56:01
10/05/07 The Iron Tortoise Laura Mateczun 10/05/07 02:00:24
10/04/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 10/04/07 21:56:07
10/04/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 10/04/07 19:48:08
10/04/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 10/04/07 18:01:23
10/04/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 10/04/07 16:01:50
10/04/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 10/04/07 14:00:08
10/04/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 10/04/07 11:57:40
10/04/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 10/04/07 09:54:50
10/04/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 10/04/07 07:57:33
10/04/07 Exile on Vain Street Dave Holtzer 10/04/07 05:57:15
10/04/07 rudie-patootie Amanda Gaines 10/04/07 03:57:12
10/04/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution KayBay 10/04/07 01:26:55
10/03/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 10/03/07 23:52:40
10/03/07 The IDentity Crisis Jason Heat 10/03/07 22:01:06
10/03/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 10/03/07 19:25:24
10/03/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 10/03/07 17:52:44
10/03/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 10/03/07 15:59:31
10/03/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 10/03/07 15:27:01
10/03/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 10/03/07 11:55:59
10/03/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/03/07 09:59:46
10/03/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 10/03/07 08:02:46
10/03/07 Sexual Karma Tim Burt 10/03/07 08:54:04
10/03/07 Collie Holiday Jason Clingerman 10/03/07 12:25:19
10/03/07 Half and Half Jeremy Spekman 10/03/07 01:59:00
10/02/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 10/02/07 23:55:54
10/02/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 10/02/07 22:09:19
10/02/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Kara Sanders 10/02/07 19:58:07
10/02/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 10/02/07 17:57:14
10/02/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 10/02/07 15:58:12
10/02/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 10/02/07 13:58:06
10/02/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 10/02/07 12:02:47
10/02/07 The Ballerz Breakfast Nick Strumpf 10/02/07 07:56:34
10/02/07 Hot Sauce with Ricky Alexander & Chris Jones Ricky Alexander 10/02/07 05:57:24
10/02/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 10/02/07 04:37:54
10/02/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 10/02/07 00:11:23
10/01/07 Unscheduled Show Brad and Eitan 10/01/07 22:01:12
10/01/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 10/01/07 20:07:01
10/01/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 10/01/07 18:00:06
10/01/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 10/01/07 16:01:10
10/01/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 10/01/07 13:55:21
10/01/07 radiobolical. Laura Reading 10/01/07 11:54:44
10/01/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 10/01/07 10:12:52
10/01/07 Hobo's Lullaby Jenna 10/01/07 08:00:26
10/01/07 The NEW Funktakular Suprise Katherine Witt 10/01/07 06:04:10
10/01/07 Sleepy Time (for the living) Meg Levine 10/01/07 03:57:43
10/01/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 10/01/07 01:54:06
09/30/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 09/30/07 23:59:24
09/30/07 Third Rail Radio Jenna 09/30/07 20:57:26
09/30/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 09/30/07 17:41:41
09/30/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Jaren Love 09/30/07 14:57:42
09/30/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 09/30/07 11:54:36
09/30/07 DNA in the DNA Sean Gray 09/30/07 08:58:34
09/30/07 Megalomania Charlatan Dizzy 09/30/07 06:00:55
09/30/07 Radio Rebelde Nick Ruggia 09/30/07 02:51:14
09/29/07 Played in Full Navid Azeez 09/29/07 23:58:29
09/29/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 09/29/07 20:56:52
09/29/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/02/07 19:09:18
09/29/07 Talk Box Calei 09/29/07 14:00:00
09/29/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 09/29/07 10:46:30
09/29/07 Five/Eight Radio S. Joshua Dunietz 09/29/07 06:12:38
09/28/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 10/20/07 15:26:37
09/28/07 Tin Pan Alley Armida Lowe 09/28/07 21:52:41
09/28/07 Pizza Party! Jaren Love 09/29/07 00:33:45
09/28/07 Hot Socks Radio Sean Gray 09/28/07 18:05:33
09/28/07 the get down Paul Krolian 09/28/07 15:58:41
09/28/07 Unscheduled Show Tristan 09/28/07 13:42:46
09/28/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 09/28/07 12:14:30
09/28/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 09/28/07 12:07:19
09/28/07 Drop Thumb Jon Hood 09/28/07 08:03:13
09/28/07 audioporn Emily Williams 09/28/07 06:01:06
09/28/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 09/28/07 03:56:53
09/28/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 09/28/07 01:56:25
09/27/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 09/27/07 21:48:27
09/27/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 09/27/07 20:00:19
09/27/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 09/27/07 17:58:18
09/27/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 09/27/07 16:03:34
09/27/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 09/27/07 14:01:45
09/27/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 09/27/07 11:56:04
09/27/07 Testudo's Wake Alex Georgiadis 09/27/07 09:56:03
09/27/07 Punk King Alan Langworthy 09/27/07 08:30:09
09/27/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution KayBay 09/27/07 00:17:25
09/26/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 09/27/07 00:13:26
09/26/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 10/03/07 00:52:42
09/26/07 That Fresh Radio Piece James Briscoe 09/26/07 20:01:55
09/26/07 Unscheduled Show S. Joshua Dunietz 09/26/07 17:54:27
09/26/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 09/26/07 16:56:58
09/26/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 09/26/07 15:58:06
09/26/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Andrew Ortuzar 09/29/07 18:28:35
09/26/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 09/26/07 15:51:59
09/26/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 10/03/07 09:59:29
09/26/07 Love in the Morning Jaren Love 09/26/07 16:33:30
09/26/07 Half and Half Stephen Fleg 09/26/07 01:59:37
09/25/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 09/25/07 22:42:38
09/25/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 09/25/07 21:55:50
09/25/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 09/25/07 20:05:41
09/25/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 09/25/07 17:56:37
09/25/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 09/25/07 15:55:00
09/25/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 09/25/07 13:27:04
09/25/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 09/25/07 11:51:55
09/25/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 09/25/07 01:04:07
09/24/07 Teen Age Riot! Rayhan Hasan 09/24/07 21:12:09
09/24/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 09/24/07 20:13:21
09/24/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 09/24/07 17:51:14
09/24/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 09/24/07 16:05:50
09/24/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 09/24/07 13:55:39
09/24/07 radiobolical. Darby 09/24/07 12:00:03
09/24/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 09/24/07 10:06:14
09/23/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 09/24/07 00:00:36
09/23/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 09/23/07 20:58:26
09/23/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 09/23/07 17:55:36
09/23/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 09/23/07 14:46:48
09/23/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 09/23/07 12:03:10
09/23/07 Radio Rebelde Nick Ruggia 09/23/07 02:58:19
09/22/07 Electric Candle Dominick 09/23/07 17:38:53
09/22/07 Talk Box Calei 09/22/07 15:10:45
09/22/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 09/27/07 23:15:13
09/21/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 10/20/07 15:16:58
09/21/07 Pizza Party! Darby 09/21/07 19:47:53
09/21/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 09/21/07 18:02:06
09/21/07 the get down Paul Krolian 09/21/07 15:56:52
09/21/07 Unscheduled Show Tristan 09/21/07 13:43:04
09/21/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 09/21/07 11:59:56
09/21/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 09/21/07 09:33:08
09/21/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 09/21/07 03:56:01
09/21/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 09/21/07 01:51:24
09/20/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 09/20/07 23:57:52
09/20/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 09/20/07 22:08:08
09/20/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 09/20/07 20:00:27
09/20/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 09/20/07 17:53:47
09/20/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 09/20/07 16:02:35
09/20/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 09/20/07 13:53:56
09/20/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 09/20/07 11:59:39
09/20/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution KayBay 09/20/07 01:27:38
09/19/07 kidz night Anna Schoenfelder 09/20/07 00:52:58
09/19/07 The IDentity Crisis Jason Heat 09/19/07 21:40:04
09/19/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 09/19/07 18:45:13
09/19/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 09/19/07 19:59:07
09/19/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 09/19/07 17:52:58
09/19/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 09/19/07 15:56:28
09/19/07 Viking Conquistador JJ Ramirez 09/19/07 12:23:59
09/19/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 09/19/07 09:57:37
09/19/07 Half and Half Jeremy Spekman 09/19/07 02:03:08
09/18/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 09/18/07 21:42:33
09/18/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Kara Sanders 09/18/07 19:56:47
09/18/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 09/18/07 17:57:22
09/18/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 09/18/07 16:00:46
09/18/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 09/18/07 14:01:57
09/18/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 09/18/07 20:56:03
09/18/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 12/18/07 03:59:48
09/18/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 09/18/07 01:54:37
09/17/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 09/17/07 22:01:55
09/17/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 09/17/07 19:48:14
09/17/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 09/17/07 18:02:27
09/17/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 09/17/07 16:08:47
09/17/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 09/17/07 13:59:18
09/17/07 radiobolical. Darby 09/17/07 12:00:29
09/17/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 09/17/07 09:59:03
09/17/07 Entirely Smooth Kyle Lucas 12/17/07 08:01:30
09/17/07 Unscheduled Show Eric Matthews 09/17/07 01:49:19
09/17/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Scotty Maxwell 09/17/07 00:42:15
09/16/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 09/16/07 23:57:12
09/16/07 Third Rail Radio Michael Levine 09/16/07 20:59:34
09/16/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Adam Levin 09/16/07 17:59:38
09/16/07 The Interdimensional Brainblast Matt Phillips 09/16/07 14:54:28
09/16/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 09/16/07 09:24:04
09/15/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 09/18/07 00:24:24
09/15/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 09/15/07 20:58:03
09/15/07 Electric Candle Dominick 09/15/07 17:59:43
09/15/07 Talk Box Calei 09/15/07 14:57:01
09/15/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 09/15/07 11:50:07
09/15/07 Radio Rebelde Nick Ruggia 09/09/07 02:58:07
09/14/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 09/18/07 17:42:09
09/14/07 Pizza Party! Ian Fishman 09/14/07 20:11:42
09/14/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 09/14/07 17:59:17
09/14/07 the get down Paul Krolian 09/14/07 15:57:39
09/14/07 Classical Underdogs Tristan 09/14/07 13:14:34
09/14/07 Pandora's Jukebox Myles Reid 09/14/07 11:51:11
09/14/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 09/14/07 09:49:47
09/14/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 09/14/07 03:56:09
09/14/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 09/16/07 15:36:22
09/13/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 09/13/07 23:57:56
09/13/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 09/13/07 21:53:53
09/13/07 Frat Radio Dan Schwartz 09/13/07 19:32:54
09/13/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 09/13/07 18:04:46
09/13/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 09/13/07 16:01:06
09/13/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 09/13/07 13:51:54
09/13/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 09/13/07 11:57:30
09/13/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 09/13/07 01:44:24
09/12/07 kidz night Adam Z Winer 09/12/07 23:50:41
09/12/07 The IDentity Crisis Adam Z Winer 09/12/07 21:19:38
09/12/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 09/12/07 19:59:11
09/12/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 09/12/07 17:52:13
09/12/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Joey Dickson 09/12/07 15:53:37
09/12/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 09/12/07 12:28:56
09/12/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 09/12/07 09:58:40
09/12/07 Half and Half Jeremy Spekman 09/12/07 01:55:38
09/11/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 09/11/07 22:38:03
09/11/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 09/11/07 22:00:19
09/11/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 09/11/07 19:56:26
09/11/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 09/11/07 17:58:41
09/11/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 09/11/07 15:57:52
09/11/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 09/11/07 13:58:50
09/11/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 12/11/07 04:17:05
09/10/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 09/10/07 21:59:11
09/10/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 09/12/07 14:40:46
09/10/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 09/10/07 18:03:45
09/10/07 The McLaughlin Group Erich "Falsetto" Wagner 09/10/07 15:57:36
09/10/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 09/10/07 13:59:45
09/10/07 Unscheduled Show Darby 09/10/07 10:47:18
09/10/07 radiobolical. Darby 09/10/07 11:53:31
09/10/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 09/10/07 10:03:02
09/10/07 Entirely Smooth Kyle Lucas 12/10/07 07:58:54
09/10/07 Unscheduled Show Eric Matthews 09/10/07 01:56:27
09/09/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 09/10/07 00:06:24
09/09/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 09/09/07 20:55:44
09/09/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 09/22/07 15:57:49
09/09/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 10/21/07 09:45:43
09/08/07 Played in Full Kurt Canfield 09/15/07 16:48:42
09/08/07 Dave's Record Collection Dave Sisson 09/08/07 20:52:28
09/08/07 Electric Candle Dominick 10/02/07 18:35:00
09/08/07 Talk Box Calei 09/08/07 14:55:15
09/08/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 09/08/07 11:55:56
09/07/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 09/10/07 16:12:46
09/07/07 Pizza Party! Laura Reading 09/07/07 20:17:39
09/07/07 Hot Socks Radio Laura Cooke 09/07/07 17:59:58
09/07/07 the get down Paul Krolian 09/07/07 16:00:19
09/07/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 09/07/07 09:53:54
09/07/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 09/07/07 03:57:16
09/07/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 09/07/07 02:04:00
09/06/07 Smash Your Ipod Christina Kim 09/08/07 02:40:43
09/06/07 Frat Radio Andrew Graber 09/06/07 20:03:00
09/06/07 Halogen Starshine Ebbie 09/06/07 17:53:30
09/06/07 TRASH MOUNTAIN Patrick McLaughlin 09/06/07 15:57:46
09/06/07 Insert Creative Radioshow Name Here Maureen Loman 09/06/07 13:54:29
09/06/07 Laurazaural Fixations Laura Schnitker 09/06/07 11:58:44
09/06/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution katie kaufmonster 09/06/07 00:29:13
09/05/07 The IDentity Crisis Jason Heat 09/05/07 21:54:40
09/05/07 That Fresh Radio Piece Christian Melendez 09/05/07 19:36:18
09/05/07 The Audio Welfare Alliance Audiotroph & The Thing With The Stuff 09/05/07 17:47:46
09/05/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback Alex Feldman 09/05/07 15:52:10
09/05/07 Man Party On the Ferry Boat Jeffry Liu 09/05/07 13:58:39
09/05/07 Viking Conquistador Zach Cummins 09/05/07 11:52:52
09/05/07 The Alternative Breakfast Party From Hell Megan Lahman 09/05/07 09:58:42
09/05/07 Half and Half Jeremy Spekman 09/05/07 01:03:23
09/04/07 stands for decibels DECIBELLE 09/04/07 23:12:39
09/04/07 two hours of scho and tell Jackie 09/04/07 21:58:54
09/04/07 Va Va (Va) Voom! Sarah Stonesifer 09/04/07 20:00:11
09/04/07 Street Anger Radio Christopher Berry 09/04/07 17:59:38
09/04/07 misantropicália Rafael Moreira 09/04/07 15:55:23
09/04/07 Brainilingus Amy Dewan 09/04/07 12:53:26
09/04/07 Umami Tsunami Dolly Deadair 09/04/07 12:01:13
09/04/07 Caffeinated Headphones Laura Mateczun 12/04/07 03:58:40
09/04/07 hateration in the dancerie Josephus 09/04/07 01:54:43
09/03/07 Teen Age Riot! Brad and Eitan 09/03/07 21:57:51
09/03/07 Han Solo Rayhan Hasan 09/10/07 10:23:05
09/03/07 Telepathic Radio Julia Novakowski 09/03/07 18:00:04
09/03/07 The McLaughlin Group Darby 09/03/07 16:09:36
09/03/07 Noon Tea and Jams Christine Finke 09/03/07 13:58:36
09/03/07 radiobolical. Laura Reading 09/03/07 11:57:17
09/03/07 Tom & Benj in the Morning Ben Meyerson 09/03/07 10:02:08
09/03/07 Entirely Smooth Kyle Lucas 12/03/07 07:55:24
09/03/07 RETURN 2 DA PIT Eric Matthews 09/03/07 01:46:37
09/02/07 LEAVE THE HALL! True Metal Radio Scotty Maxwell 09/02/07 23:59:32
09/02/07 Third Rail Radio Miles Waltuck 09/02/07 20:31:22
09/02/07 Don't Be a Menace (while sippin' on crunk juice in Ja Levitt 09/02/07 17:37:43
09/02/07 Skip Church, Make Glorious Sounds! Mandy Fraser 09/03/07 19:50:53
09/01/07 Electric Candle Dominick 09/01/07 18:03:25
09/01/07 Talk Box Calei 09/01/07 15:24:37
09/01/07 Broken Elevator Greg Cox 09/01/07 11:37:32
09/01/07 Radio Rebelde Nick Ruggia 09/02/07 02:53:50
08/31/07 Coast To Coast Overdose DJ Clay 09/10/07 15:59:59
08/31/07 the get down Paul Krolian 08/31/07 15:57:21
08/31/07 Roots & Wings John McLaughlin 08/31/07 09:47:40
08/31/07 The Strange Bedfellows DJ Saile 08/31/07 03:57:15
08/31/07 The Iron Tortoise Kellen Hamill 08/31/07 01:54:17
08/30/07 Misfire Radio Nick Candela 08/30/07 23:57:24

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