
Displaying archived playlist for The Iron Tortoise on 2007-11-30 00:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Pagan’s Mind Approaching / Through Osiris’ Eyes Celestial Entrance
2 Exodus Low Rider [WAR cover] Fabulous Disaster
3 Sodom Wachturm Tapping the Vein
4 Armored Saint Raising Fear Raising Fear
5 Nena 99 Luftbaloons [Request for Greg]
6 Saxon Power and the Glory Power and the Glory
7 Pagan Altar Reincarnation Volume 1
8 Saint Vitus White Magic / Black Magic Saint Vitus
9 Demonaz Demonized Promo 2007 [technical difficulties…]
10 I Cursed We Are Between Two Worlds
11 Immortal Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) Battles in the North
12 Enslaved Daudningekvida Mardraum: Beyond the Within
13 Metallica The Four Horsemen Kill ’em All
14 Metal Church Metal Church Metal Church
15 Quiet Riot Metal Health (Bang Your Head) Metal Health [R.I.P. Kevin DuBrow]
16 Amon Amarth Death in Fire Versus the World
17 Dethklok Murmaider The Dethalbum
18 Possessed Fallen Angel Seven Churches
19 Obituary Slow Death Frozen in Time
20 Primordial Tragedys Birth The Gathering Wilderness
21 Sabaton Attero Dominatus Attero Dominatus
22 Amon Amarth The Persuit of Vikings Fate of the Norns

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