
Displaying archived playlist for Auditory Assault on 2012-05-08 22:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Revocation Dethroned Chaos of Forms
2 Mortal Treason One Hour from Forever Sunrise Over a Sea of Blood
3 Dagoba Morphine – The Apostle of Your Last War What Hell is About
4 Keith Merrow Malfunction Lonestar Transcend
5 Skeletonwitch Feast Upon Flesh Beyond the Permafrost
6 Vader The Book Impressions in Blood
7 Cellador Releasing the Shadow Enter Deception
8 Amon Amarth Legend of a Banished Man The Avenger
9 Dark Tranquility Tongues The Mind’s I
10 The Faceless Akeldama Akeldama
11 Pantera Vlahalla I Am the Night
12 Kalmah Alteration Swamplord
13 Brendon Small Dangertits Brendon Small’s Galaktikon
14 Decapitated The Empty Throne The Negation
15 In Flames The New World Colony
16 Byzantine Deep End of Nothing Oblivion Beckons
17 Meshuggah Perpetual Black Second Nothing
18 Atheist Second to Sun Jupiter
19 Metal Earth Gods of Second Chance Hanging in the Balance
20 Burning Shadows Second Son Oathbreaker
21 Beethoven Ninth Symphony, Second Movement (Abridged) A Clockwork Orange: Original Soundtrack

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