
Displaying archived playlist for Auditory Assault on 2012-02-28 22:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Gorgoroth Wound Upon Wound Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
2 Krallice The Clearing Diotima
3 Immortal In My Kingdom Cold Sons of Northern Darkness
4 Oakhelm The Way of Bleeding Bark Echtra
5 Belphegor Angeli Mortis de Profundis Blood Magick Necromance
6 Emperor The Burning Shadows of Silence In the Nightside Eclipse
7 Autolatry A Martyr The Hill
8 Aeternus When the Crow’s Shadow Falls …And So the Night Became
9 Agartha Destruction of the Gateway V
10 Burzum My Journey to the Stars Aske
11 Watain From the Pulpits of Abomination Casus Luciferi
12 Necrophobic Demonic The Third Antichrist
13 Bathory Sacrifice Bathory
14 Mayhem From the Dark Past De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
15 Withered Into Armegeddon (Necrophobic cover) Folie Circulaire

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