
Displaying archived playlist for This, Which Makes Me Sing on 2010-06-06 10:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 talkdemonic huancayo orchestrelle eyes at half mast
2 the accidental slice open the day there were wolves
3 jose gonzalez teardrop in our nature
4 ohio lambchop OH (Ohio)
5 bonnie prince billy i am goodbye beware
6 the seventeenth century traffic the seventeenth century ep
7 crooked fingers valerie dignity and shame
8 calexico panic open string garden ruin
9 califone ape-like all my friends are funeral singers
10 m. ward poor boy minor key transfiguration of vincent
11 low always fade drums and guns
12 akron/family ed is portal love is simple
13 cliquot beirut the flying club cup
14 waterfront shifting sands live at wmuc
15 california the paperboys the road to ellenside
16 waterfront Hanes Rhys a Meinir live at wmuc
17 waterfront stars in the sky live at wmuc
18 megson fell to the breeze smoke of home
19 augie march this train will not be taking passengers strange bird
20 waterfront your father’s son live at wmuc
21 waterfront cousin jack live at wmuc
22 shout out louds walls work
23 mirah the garden advisory committee
24 waterfront sailor girl live at wmuc
25 sodastream warm july reservations
26 sodastream twin lakes reservations
27 waterfront Polkas: Scartaglen / Salmon Tails / Johnny Leary’s live at wmuc

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