
Displaying archived playlist for That Fresh Radio Piece on 2007-12-26 18:00:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Daft Punk Robot Rock/Oh Yeah Alive 2007777777
2 Daftttt Touch It/Technologic Alive 2007777777
3 Mylo Dr Pressure adeeeeeee
4 Daft (more of paris) Television rules the nation/crescendolls
5 track walk breakdown
6 climbing poetry yo breathe
7 celebration heartbreak
8 celebration fury
9 ella fitzgerald/duke ellington something to live for
10 ella fitzgerald cote d avur
11 herbie hancock chameleon
12 unknown simply roots with some lakota nation independence…maybe some indigenous ingorance in bali, an engaged u of md?
13 daft (we gotta finish this alb) uno mas tiempo/aerodynamic
14 d’ punks aero beats/forget about the world alive
15 daf punk prime time of ur life/brainwasher/rolinandscratchin/ALIVE 2007!

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