
Displaying archived playlist for Telepathic Radio on 2008-03-10 12:30:00

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# Artist Track Album / Comment
1 Luscious Jackson City Song
2 THe Advantage Contra
3 Monade La Salle Des Pas Perdus
4 The Moog Cookbook Black Hole Sun
5 Air Surfing on a Rocket
6 Asobi Seksu Strawberries
7 THe Better Beatles Lady Madonna
8 The Minders Treehouse
9 Takako Minekawa Klaxon!
10 Buffolo Daughter California Blues
11 B.C. Camplight Hide, Run Away
12 Milky Whipshake Scrabble
13 Ninety Nine Woekenender
14 9-Iron Met Her On Line
15 Mega City Four stay dead
16 Bears Everywhere
17 Barcelona Indian Names
18 A.C. Newman Better Than Most
19 Avalanches Since I left You
20 Milf Track 1 Antidope
21 Comet Gain Why I try to Look So Bad
22 FIre Engines Sympathetic Anasthetic
23 Life Without Buildings

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