DJ Profiles

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Colby Smith

E-Mail: cjsmith028 [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite Books: The World According to Garp, The Big Sleep, The Road, Yeats.
Favorite Bands: Warren Zevon, The Band, Elton, Bruce, Dylan.
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Whiskey Music

Recent Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
10/15/11 This, Which Makes Me Sing 10/15/11 12:51:08

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
10/02/09 Hot Socks Radio 10/02/09 17:54:55
10/20/09 Roughin' it! with Jaren and Tori 10/20/09 21:58:09
11/14/09 The New Indie Canon 11/14/09 11:53:47
11/19/09 Psychedelic Explosion 11/19/09 09:54:55
11/30/09 The Downstairs MixUp 11/30/09 21:58:18
12/11/09 Hot Socks Radio 12/11/09 17:56:27
02/05/10 Forever Young 02/05/10 11:58:45
03/05/10 Random Rules Radio 03/05/10 17:50:23
04/10/10 The New Indie Canon 04/10/10 11:56:50
08/25/11 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 08/25/11 19:53:59

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