DJ Profiles

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Nathan Tucker

E-Mail: nptucker09 [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite Bands: DNA, 60’s Mothers of Invention, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Black Dice, Sonic Youth, Sun Ra
Favorite Quotes: “I’ve got magic. I’ve got poetry at my fingertips.” – Charlie Sheen
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Third Rail Radio
Other Info:
I like knit things.

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Nathan Tucker found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/27/11 Ego Gala 02/27/11 02:44:50
03/06/11 Ego Gala 03/06/11 03:09:38
03/13/11 Ego Gala 03/13/11 01:59:23
03/20/11 Ego Gala 03/20/11 02:59:28
03/27/11 Ego Gala 03/27/11 02:57:22
04/10/11 Ego Gala 04/10/11 02:54:51
04/24/11 Ego Gala 04/24/11 03:02:41
05/01/11 Ego Gala 05/01/11 02:50:42
05/08/11 Ego Gala 05/08/11 12:05:09

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