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David Richman

E-Mail: drichma1 [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: MusicJew158
Favorite Books: As long as its not fantasy I will most likely read it although I concentrate better through the audio format so books on tape and podcasts are the best ways for me absorb stories.
Favorite Bands: I tend towards 80’s alt rock, indie,avant garde jazz, psychedlica, brit pop, indie pop, post punk, new wave, folk, funk, soul, reggae, art-rock, idm, house, classical, bluegrass, punk, and whatever the heck you would describe Frank Zappa as. I am always searching for new styles and artists to get into.
Favorite Quotes: People say lots of things that are cool. When some folks can’t think of original stuff to impress others they use quotes from those who have already said intelligent, profound or funny things.
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Happy Funtime Hour Extravaganza With David Richman and Sean Ye
Other Info:
I think that everybody would agree that I am just a chill dude. Seriously though if you ask me anything about myself or whatever show I am involved with not only will I tell you but I will make it awkward and go on too long.

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