DJ Profiles

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Emily Brecht

E-Mail: ilikebirds [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite Books: more proof that i am a diverse and interesting person
Favorite Bands: good bands. excellent bands. bands with one good song. bands that sign my t-shirts. especially those.
Favorite Quotes: “No more songs about Sarah!…Get your dick out of your heart!” oates to hall on Yacht Rock #2
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Green Eggs and Ham
Other Info:
someone shouted at me tonight: hey, you are the tall girl from wmuc. all of that is true.

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/02/06 The Wanton Machine 02/02/06 15:57:41
02/09/06 The Wanton Machine 02/09/06 16:01:49
02/16/06 The Wanton Machine 02/16/06 15:57:49
03/02/06 The Wanton Machine 03/02/06 15:56:24
03/09/06 The Wanton Machine 03/09/06 16:13:41
03/30/06 The Wanton Machine 03/30/06 15:59:34
04/06/06 The Wanton Machine 04/06/06 16:02:05
04/13/06 The Wanton Machine 04/13/06 16:00:01
04/20/06 The Wanton Machine 04/20/06 15:57:30
05/04/06 The Wanton Machine 05/04/06 16:00:28
05/11/06 The Wanton Machine 05/11/06 16:06:22
05/18/06 The Wanton Machine 05/18/06 16:07:39
05/25/06 The Wanton Machine 05/25/06 16:00:46
06/01/06 The Wanton Machine 06/01/06 16:13:37
06/08/06 The Wanton Machine 06/08/06 15:56:40
06/15/06 The Wanton Machine 06/15/06 15:54:35
06/22/06 The Wanton Machine 06/22/06 16:07:52
06/29/06 The Wanton Machine 06/29/06 16:03:48
07/13/06 The Wanton Machine 07/13/06 15:59:12
08/17/06 The Wanton Machine 08/20/06 14:02:05
08/24/06 The Wanton Machine 08/24/06 16:08:29

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