DJ Profiles

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Aravind Sreenath

E-Mail: asreenat [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: gandhimetal125
Favorite Books: lol books
Favorite Bands: radiohead, joy division, shellac, pere ubu, the impressions, akron/family, sonic youth, beatles, mountain goats
Favorite Other WMUC Show: In the Midnight Hour
Other Info:
ronk ng rool

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Aravind Sreenath found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/27/08 ronk ng rool 03/12/08 01:55:56
03/05/08 ronk ng rool 03/05/08 05:55:08
03/12/08 ronk ng rool 03/12/08 05:59:15
03/26/08 ronk ng rool 03/30/08 12:22:10
04/02/08 ronk ng rool 04/07/08 03:00:14
04/09/08 ronk ng rool 04/09/08 09:16:42
04/16/08 Unscheduled Show 04/16/08 09:41:25
04/23/08 ronk ng rool 04/29/08 22:01:32

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