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Lindsay Cumella

AIM: bebopbopeep17
Favorite Books: zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. francesca lia block. asimov. david lerner poetry.
Favorite Bands: every band you listen to, but better. and then benny goodman, artie shaw, and acker bilk.
Favorite Quotes: everything in moderation including moderation.
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Tin Pan Alley
Other Info:
i’m a fill in. i will ruin your show. with clarinet ditties and endless showtunes. but you will love me. because i am cute.

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Lindsay Cumella found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
03/01/07 Muggles at Noon 03/01/07 14:05:00
04/10/07 threes not pairs 04/10/07 10:02:06

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