DJ Profiles

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Andrew Park

E-Mail: parkdre [at] umd [dot] edu
Favorite Bands: Ortolan, Kanye West, Matt & Kim, Mates of State, Phoenix, Uffie, Sia, Lady Gaga, Tegan and Sara, Teen Daze, Passion Pit, MGMT, Stars, Sky Ferreira
Favorite Quotes: “Shoot For The Stars So If You Fall You Land On The Clouds” “Difficult Takes A Day Impossible Takes A Week”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Dream in Japanese
Other Info:
I Like Aliens and Robots

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Andrew Park found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
10/08/10 Mild Confusion 10/08/10 04:09:34
10/13/10 Caffeinated Headphones 10/13/10 02:00:19
10/22/10 Mild Confusion 10/22/10 04:01:39
11/05/10 Mild Confusion 11/05/10 03:59:12
11/19/10 Mild Confusion 11/19/10 04:03:42
12/10/10 Mild Confusion 12/10/10 03:58:44
01/26/11 Mild Confusion 01/26/11 01:57:23
02/09/11 Mild Confusion 02/09/11 02:03:44
02/16/11 Mild Confusion 02/16/11 02:06:37
03/09/11 Mild Confusion 03/09/11 01:57:52
03/30/11 Mild Confusion 03/30/11 01:56:21
04/20/11 Mild Confusion 04/20/11 01:58:33
04/27/11 Mild Confusion 04/27/11 01:50:04
04/27/11 Let's Make Some Plans: True Pop Radio 04/27/11 15:23:10
05/11/11 Mild Confusion 05/11/11 01:56:41

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