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Daniel Serrano Mateo

E-Mail: dserrano [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: dserranooo
Favorite Books: you
Favorite Quotes: I wanted all things To seem to make some sense, So we all could be happy, yes, Instead of tense. And I made up lies So that they all fit nice, And I made this sad world A Par-a-dise. ~ For the ones that is really really really starving, I rather ya’ll just go for the oatmeal, cuz that’s going to hold you down. You could just eat three bowls of that a day. That is going to hold you down you know what I mean?  Bust it down at: 12 boom, 4 o’ clock 8 o’ clock another bowl or something like that. You know what I mean? You good. You might have a little change to do what you want to do in the wee hours. A Lil 2′ dollas or something!
Favorite Other WMUC Show: MARS Radio
Other Info:
Second season of Oveja! Radio\r\n\r\nThank you WMUC higher ups!!!\r\n\r\nOveja! Radio ~ it would be nice if you all would listen!!! Thought provoking shiiii!\r\n\r\nI try to have a theme, and a reason!

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/13/09 Oveja Radio 02/14/09 16:49:33
02/20/09 Oveja Radio 02/21/09 22:25:33
04/17/09 Oveja Radio 04/17/09 13:01:30
05/01/09 Oveja Radio 05/01/09 12:59:48
05/08/09 Oveja Radio 05/08/09 14:54:15
09/18/09 Oveja! Radio 09/19/09 23:57:49
09/25/09 Oveja! Radio 09/26/09 19:41:54
10/16/09 Oveja! Radio 10/16/09 00:57:32
10/23/09 Oveja! Radio 10/23/09 01:00:53
10/30/09 Oveja! Radio 11/05/09 22:26:12
11/06/09 Oveja! Radio 11/06/09 01:56:35
12/11/09 Oveja! Radio 12/11/09 01:57:02
09/10/10 Oveja Radio 09/10/10 01:08:19
09/03/10 Oveja Radio 09/10/10 01:08:30
09/17/10 Oveja Radio 09/17/10 01:08:02
10/08/10 Oveja Radio 10/08/10 00:58:13
12/03/10 Oveja Radio 12/03/10 01:06:40
03/04/11 Oveja Radio 03/04/11 12:50:10
04/01/11 Oveja Radio 04/01/11 01:05:27
04/22/11 Oveja Radio 04/22/11 01:06:49
04/08/11 Oveja Radio 04/22/11 01:10:50
03/11/11 Oveja Radio 04/22/11 01:15:03

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