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Doug Ticker

Favorite Other WMUC Show: Pizza Party!

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Doug Ticker found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
03/19/06 The Sound of Young America! 03/19/06 18:05:10
05/07/06 The Sound of Young America! 05/07/06 18:08:13
09/21/06 Cool Senior High School 09/21/06 22:10:11
09/28/06 Cool Senior High School 09/28/06 21:59:11
04/24/07 It's Always 1994 04/24/07 23:58:08
07/14/07 Brit Licks 08/25/07 14:20:55
07/18/07 Telepathic Radio 07/18/07 19:01:38
07/01/08 Street Anger Radio 07/03/08 21:34:49
07/15/08 Street Anger Radio 07/15/08 21:59:11
08/12/08 Street Anger Radio 08/12/08 22:01:27
08/19/08 Street Anger Radio 08/19/08 21:57:57

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