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Maureen McHugh

E-Mail: mmchugh [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: bundle hiss
Favorite Books: robert hass’ sun under wood, paul celan’s romanian poems, the egyptian book of the dead, anne carson’s men in the off hours, kerouac’s pomes all sizes, kafka’s ridiculously weird imaginings of his own death.
Favorite Other WMUC Show: The Rap Video Hoes
Other Info:
happiness is not just a warm puppy, it is rolling down an extraordinarily large hill. while holding a warm puppy. is that weird?

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
12/29/06 threes not pairs 12/29/06 15:52:36
01/12/07 threes not pairs 01/12/07 15:45:23
01/19/07 threes not pairs 01/19/07 15:48:20
01/30/07 threes not pairs 01/30/07 09:29:57
02/13/07 threes not pairs 02/13/07 09:46:16
02/20/07 threes not pairs 02/20/07 09:47:22
02/27/07 threes not pairs 02/27/07 09:58:44
03/06/07 threes not pairs 03/06/07 09:42:08
03/13/07 threes not pairs 03/13/07 09:49:50
03/27/07 threes not pairs 03/27/07 09:44:20
04/03/07 threes not pairs 04/03/07 09:42:33
04/17/07 threes not pairs 04/17/07 09:43:59
04/24/07 threes not pairs 04/24/07 09:46:53
05/01/07 threes not pairs 05/01/07 09:31:53

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