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Christopher Boggs

E-Mail: cboggs [at] terpmail [dot] umd [dot] edu
Favorite Quotes: Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are. – Bernice Johnson Reagon
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Whiskey Music
Other Info:
We want you… to listen… to Real Talk with Boggs and Biggie.

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Christopher Boggs found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/25/11 Unscheduled Show 02/26/11 03:13:51
09/11/11 Real Talk with Boggs and Biggie 09/22/11 14:09:09
09/18/11 Real Talk with Boggs and Biggie 09/22/11 14:09:35
10/09/11 Real Talk with Boggs and Biggie 10/09/11 20:57:55

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