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James McGarry
E-Mail: jmcgarry [at] umd [dot] edu AIM: Impulse988 Favorite Books: Slaughter House 5, Mother Night, Catch-22, Bonfire of the Vanities, Ragtime, Puddn’head Wilson, the good book (The Watchtower), Hustler, Teen Vouge, BBWs, James Joy’s cook book Favorite Bands: David Bowie The Stooges The Velvet Underground The Doors The Beatles Bob Dylan Johnny Cash Jimi Hendrix The Black Lips King Kahn and BBQ Show The Temptations The Dirtbombs The Flying Eyes 50 Favorite Quotes: “Throw some cheese on the S***!” ciao bella “If you got nothing you’ve got nothing to lose” Favorite Other WMUC Show: Audioporn Other Info: I was born in the back of a honda accord and things only went up from there. I’ve been 3 time elected president of the papaya juice distribution corporation and i’ve never to been to outer space however i hope to change that someday. i once spent three hours listening to ambient music and i stabbed myself in the arm for every 15 minutes. oh, and i f***ing LOVE the denver broncos!
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