DJ Profiles

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E-Mail: ktbayless [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM: kaybaythekid
Favorite Books: harry potter and the sorceror’s stone harry potter and the chamber of secrets harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban harry potter and the goblet of fire harry potter and the order of the phoenix harry potter and the half-blood prince harry potter and the deathly hallows
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Teen Age Riot!
Other Info:
I like people.

Recent Playlists

No playlists by KayBay found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/17/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 02/17/07 06:02:48
02/24/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 02/24/07 04:56:13
03/03/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 03/03/07 18:19:41
03/10/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 03/10/07 05:49:10
03/11/07 Radio Rebelde 03/11/07 03:20:01
03/24/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback 03/24/07 03:47:59
03/24/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 03/24/07 04:20:37
03/31/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 03/31/07 06:03:09
04/07/07 The Occasional Acid Flashback 04/07/07 05:59:05
04/14/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 04/14/07 06:05:46
04/21/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 04/21/07 04:20:22
04/21/07 stop, hammerhead time. 04/21/07 06:14:59
04/28/07 KayBay and the Molecular So and Sos 04/28/07 04:28:49
05/24/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 05/24/07 15:49:12
06/07/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 06/07/07 14:19:01
06/14/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 06/14/07 15:49:46
06/21/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 06/21/07 15:59:08
06/28/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 06/28/07 15:50:26
07/12/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 07/12/07 14:23:05
07/19/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 07/19/07 15:55:45
07/26/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 07/26/07 16:22:14
08/02/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 08/02/07 15:06:16
08/09/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 08/09/07 15:49:56
08/16/07 KayBay and the WMUC Hallows 08/16/07 16:26:38
09/20/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution 09/20/07 01:27:38
09/27/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution 09/27/07 00:17:25
10/04/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution 10/04/07 01:26:55
11/29/07 Dr. Fünke’s 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution 11/29/07 00:22:37
12/04/07 stands for decibels 12/04/07 23:57:59
04/13/08 I Got Beat Up By Naomi Campbell And All I Got Was This Radio Show 04/13/08 17:55:48

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