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Edward Bennett

E-Mail: xnoybis [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: DJxnoybis
Favorite Books: 13 Clocks, Gravity’s Rainbow, Ficciones, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.
Favorite Bands: my own laptop creations, Plantlife, Tiger Tunes, Murcof, Pelican, Mike Patton, Morton Feldman, Ulrich Schnauss, American Analog Set, Achim Reichel & Machines, In Flames, Lali Puna, Joy Division, hollAnd, Remote Viewer, Stars, Johnny Rivers, Mano Solo, Fennesz, Death From Above 1979, Xiu Xiu, Gary Numan, Destroyer, Godflesh, Blue Ribbon, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Figurine, Nick Drake, Fugazi, Stockhausen, Wilderness, T.Monk, Tom Waits, Prokoviev, Streets of Laredo, Jim O’rourke, Sonic Youth, Zappa, Hum, PJ Harvey, Coltrane, Can, Miles, Nina Simone, Swell, ISIS, Guitar, Neutral Milk Hotel.
Favorite Quotes: “… yeah the driver, I can’t, you know, drive the phone and talk on the car at the same time, man.”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Va Va Va Voom
Other Info:
Farmer’s Markets: yum!

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
09/26/06 Electric Firing Squad 09/22/06 23:57:02
10/03/06 Electric Firing Squad 10/03/06 11:15:07
10/10/06 Electric Firing Squad 10/10/06 11:52:40
10/17/06 Electric Firing Squad 10/17/06 11:27:19
10/24/06 Electric Firing Squad 10/24/06 11:18:59
10/31/06 Electric Firing Squad 10/31/06 11:15:30
11/07/06 Electric Firing Squad 11/07/06 11:15:17
11/14/06 Electric Firing Squad 11/14/06 11:54:05
11/28/06 Electric Firing Squad 11/28/06 11:40:28
12/05/06 Electric Firing Squad 12/05/06 10:45:09
12/12/06 Electric Firing Squad 12/12/06 11:37:42
12/19/06 Electric Firing Squad 12/19/06 11:33:05
12/19/06 Electric Firing Squad 12/19/06 11:55:51

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