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Danielle Leikach

E-Mail: danielle [dot] leikach [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM: OThatDanielle
Favorite Books: novels full of literariness mostly (it’s funny because i don’t think that’s a real word!), funny and clever readings, and stuff about science because i’m cool like that
Favorite Bands: durrrrr
Favorite Quotes: “i forgot you picked off all my skin”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Beef Jerky, Polar Bears, and Warlocks with Charles Bronson
Other Info:
STALK ME!!!! i’m totally worth it

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
03/03/06 The Two-Headed Monster 02/24/06 12:09:08
04/07/06 The Two-Headed Monster 04/07/06 12:06:30
04/14/06 The Two-Headed Monster 04/14/06 12:01:48
05/12/06 The Two-Headed Monster 05/12/06 12:01:42
05/19/06 The Two-Headed Monster 05/19/06 12:07:49
05/26/06 Hairy Buisness 05/26/06 18:03:21
06/23/06 Hairy Buisness 06/23/06 18:11:08
06/30/06 Hairy Buisness 06/30/06 18:06:54
07/21/06 Hairy Buisness 07/21/06 18:02:30
08/25/06 Hairy Buisness 08/25/06 18:06:38

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