DJ Profiles

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Allie Frank

E-Mail: franka [at] umd [dot] edu
Favorite Books: a portrait of the artist as a young man, the big sea, brave new world
Favorite Bands: travis, teenage fanclub, supergrass, new order, franz ferdinand, nada surf, spoon, sloan, super furry animals, superdrag
Favorite Quotes: before you dive into the think tank, make sure it has a deep end
Favorite Other WMUC Show: The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program
Other Info:
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Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/04/06 The ReCollection 02/04/06 10:07:39
02/18/06 The ReCollection 02/18/06 13:20:52
02/11/06 The ReCollection 02/18/06 13:35:19
02/25/06 The ReCollection 02/25/06 10:36:01
03/04/06 The ReCollection 03/04/06 10:03:39
03/11/06 The ReCollection 03/11/06 10:02:05
04/08/06 The ReCollection 04/08/06 09:59:57
04/15/06 The ReCollection 04/15/06 10:01:07
04/22/06 The ReCollection 04/22/06 10:03:17
04/29/06 The ReCollection 04/29/06 10:00:11
05/13/06 The ReCollection 05/13/06 10:01:19

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