DJ Profiles

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Andrew Gruenberger

E-Mail: agrue [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: Aberger789
Favorite Bands: Muse,Jimi Hendrix,Led Zeppelin, Death Cab for Cuite, The Postal Service, Any John Williams classical guitar, Cold War Kids, Dashboard Confessional, Iron & Wine, Sufjan, Django Reinhardt
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Three's a Party

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/25/08 RETURN 2 DA PIT 03/19/08 17:45:22
03/07/08 Queer Quorner 03/07/08 22:00:36
03/19/08 the grown n sexy 03/19/08 18:17:14

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