DJ Profiles

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Allison Milchling

E-Mail: amilchling [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM: vbkrazee1652
Favorite Bands: Sufjan Stevens, TV on the Radio, The National, of Montreal, Radiohead
Favorite Quotes: “There you go Bill. Drink it up my man.”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: My Best Friend's Radio Show

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Allison Milchling found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
09/09/09 Not Texas 09/16/09 17:03:15
09/16/09 Not Texas 09/16/09 18:00:29
09/23/09 Not Texas 09/23/09 17:52:59
09/30/09 Not Texas 10/07/09 17:23:51
10/07/09 Not Texas 10/07/09 17:52:34

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