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Sean Burnett

E-Mail: seanthomburnett [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite Bands: Genesis, Fleetwood Mac, James Brown, The Rat Pack, Majority Rule, and other bands to break your little brother’s legos to.
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Sice Club

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Sean Burnett found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
09/29/10 BearWaves 09/29/10 10:00:56
10/13/10 BearWaves 10/13/10 09:55:51
10/20/10 BearWaves 10/20/10 09:57:34
09/01/10 BearWaves 10/27/10 10:03:49
09/08/10 BearWaves 11/03/10 09:26:48
11/10/10 BearWaves 11/10/10 09:52:58
11/17/10 BearWaves 11/17/10 09:56:03
12/08/10 BearWaves 12/08/10 09:55:41
12/15/10 BearWaves 12/15/10 10:29:41
03/17/11 BearWaves 03/17/11 19:50:43
04/21/11 BearWaves 04/21/11 19:58:18
04/28/11 BearWaves 04/28/11 19:56:48

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