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Arye Zucker

E-Mail: zucker [dot] arye [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite Bands: Queen Incubus The Living End Red Hot Chili Peppers Deadmau5 Phish
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Drinking Alone

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Arye Zucker found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
05/30/11 Killer Tofu 06/06/11 23:55:59
06/20/11 Killer Tofu 06/20/11 23:55:54
07/04/11 Killer Tofu 07/05/11 01:52:33
08/29/11 Unscheduled Show 08/29/11 21:52:44
09/12/11 Killer Tofu 09/12/11 21:59:32
09/19/11 Killer Tofu 09/19/11 21:56:39
09/26/11 Killer Tofu 09/26/11 21:53:49
10/03/11 Killer Tofu 10/03/11 21:48:06
10/06/11 Midnight Tranquility 10/06/11 00:55:23
10/24/11 Killer Tofu 10/24/11 21:52:12
10/27/11 Midnight Tranquility 10/27/11 00:53:02
10/31/11 Killer Tofu 10/31/11 21:51:32
11/03/11 Midnight Tranquility 11/03/11 00:54:23
11/14/11 Killer Tofu 11/14/11 21:52:32
11/28/11 Killer Tofu 11/28/11 21:53:31
12/12/11 Killer Tofu 12/12/11 21:56:03

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