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Chase Helton
E-Mail: chase [at] chasehelton [dot] com Favorite Other WMUC Show: Ctrl Alt Delete Other Info: Chase Helton is a Washington, D.C. area theatre artist and radio host. He has had the honor of working with many esteemed D.C. institutions including The Shakespeare Theatre Company, The Kennedy Center, Round House Theatre, The Folger Shakespeare Theatre, Adventure Theatre and more. His first foray into the world of broadcast was with the short-lived, self titled “Chase Show.” He has had the pleasure of interviewing such personalities as composer Joe Iconis, musician David Gwaltney, and personalities Ben, Dave, Duncan and Jonnie from MTV\’s “The Buried Life” among others. With his current program, “DC Theatre Chat,” Chase hopes to bring more attention to the work being done in Washington Area theaters by interviewing local artists that are doing interesting work. Be sure to tune in Mondays at 11am!
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