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Min Soo Kang

E-Mail: mkang11 [at] umd [dot] edu
AIM: m1ns0o124
Favorite Books: harry potter!!!, and then there were none
Favorite Bands: MGMT, Jazzanova, Cursive, Pink Floyd, Animal Collective, Of Montreal, Minus the Bear
Favorite Quotes: “my nature constrains me to seek and to love well-ordered things, and to flee confusion, which is as much my antithesis and my enemy as light is to dark.”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Beach Violence

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
10/29/09 Campuscreamer 10/29/09 13:37:14
12/10/09 Campuscreamer 12/10/09 12:54:04

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