DJ Profiles

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Mat Lewis

E-Mail: matlewis [at] umd [dot] edu
Favorite Bands: The Buzzcocks, Can, The Talking Heads, Devo, The Modern Lovers
Favorite Other WMUC Show: Teen Age Riot!

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Mat Lewis found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
01/31/06 Suburban Speed 01/31/06 23:57:24
02/07/06 Suburban Speed 02/07/06 22:47:09
02/21/06 Suburban Speed 02/21/06 23:57:15
02/28/06 Suburban Speed 02/28/06 23:57:12
03/07/06 Suburban Speed 03/08/06 00:00:36
03/14/06 Suburban Speed 03/14/06 23:58:03
03/28/06 Suburban Speed 03/29/06 00:01:35
04/04/06 Suburban Speed 04/04/06 23:33:01
04/11/06 Suburban Speed 04/11/06 23:48:02
04/18/06 Suburban Speed 04/18/06 23:38:03
04/25/06 Suburban Speed 04/25/06 23:51:04
05/02/06 Suburban Speed 05/02/06 23:09:01
12/27/06 Crazy Rhythms 12/27/06 19:51:08
01/03/07 Crazy Rhythms 01/03/07 19:55:42
01/17/07 Crazy Rhythms 01/17/07 19:59:48

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