DJ Profiles

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mark drymala

Favorite Books: The Hobbit, Metamorphoses (Ovid), The Weathermakers
Favorite Bands: Pearl Jam, Animal Collective, RAdiohead, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Broken Social Scene, Elliot Smith, Modest Mouse, Velvet Underground, Grizzly Bear, Queens of the Stone Age
Favorite Quotes: “the beast the beast the beast the beast rer,rewr, rewr, rewr”
Favorite Other WMUC Show: The Punk King
Other Info:
I really love music, and I know a lot about that which i enjoy. Alas…there is so much. It is constantly being created. I play drums (and a squeaking bit of guitar), and love hearing from new musicians, and people that just like listening to music. Music is everywhere. It is pretty great.

Recent Playlists

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Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
02/24/09 21st Century Schizoid Show 02/24/09 12:43:19
03/03/09 21st Century Schizoid Show 03/03/09 13:03:26
03/10/09 21st Century Schizoid Show 03/10/09 15:42:00
12/10/09 21st Century Schizoid Show 12/10/09 18:49:53
03/03/10 21st Century Schizoid Show 03/03/10 21:53:34
04/14/10 21st Century Schizoid Show 04/14/10 21:56:10

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