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Saam Bozorgmehr

E-Mail: saamb8785 [at] hotmail [dot] com
AIM: jjbonzaicaps6812
Favorite Books: the da vinci code
Favorite Bands: I listen to EVERYTHING… but i guess recently i’ve been diggin persian and house music…but nonetheless, i listen to everything…hip hop, country, alternative, ska, emo, ANYTHING 😀
Favorite Quotes: “I am my own headline” -Saam
Favorite Other WMUC Show: TOO HAN TO HANDLE
Other Info:

Recent Playlists

No playlists by Saam Bozorgmehr found in the current semester.

Archived Playlists

Show Date Show Name Last Modified
05/30/06 Owners Radio! 05/26/06 02:03:56
10/06/06 Wet Feet Music 10/06/06 16:04:07
10/10/06 bastards radio 10/06/06 17:41:08
03/01/07 The Apple Juice Break 03/01/07 02:02:57
04/02/07 The Rap Video Hoes 04/02/07 20:10:34
04/02/07 Unscheduled Show 04/02/07 21:57:29
04/27/07 Va Va (Va) Voom 04/27/07 15:07:53
06/16/07 Fill Out Your Playlist 06/16/07 02:09:27

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